July 25, 2022

Haven't written in a while

10:29 PM

I have been writing some private entries lately, not even writing full entries but just the titles of some to remind me of what I did that day. I have pictures and notes and other things that will remind me of that day too, but in general I have forgotten most of everything since my last public entry. So many things have been happening, and at the same time so little. I don't even remember what happened yesterday anymore. Seriously. What happened yesterday?

So yesterday was a Sunday. Oh yeah, I ate a lot of food that day. I ate a bunch of fruits, and I later went out to Walgreens and bought some Clif bars and some other bars. And I cooked some meals at home.

Pretty sure I chat with Wahl yesterday too, let me check. Yes! We chat for a bit yesterday in text. We have been bonding and getting closer, just texting each other a bunch, me letting out my inner feelings for her, and her sometimes reciprocating, both of us moving the conversation along smoothly. We had a phone conversation and chat on the phone for the first time around two weeks ago. I don't think I wrote an entry for it, I think I just created a private entry, and wrote the title, and then the body of it was blank. Oh wow, no, just checked! I actually wrote a public entry for it and I wrote about the full day in detail. Interesting.

So yeah since then we have just been getting closer and bonding and talking a bunch every now and then. There's been some stressful and tension moments only created because she would take a while to reply. Like I would say something pretty romantic, flirty, loving and caring, and she wouldn't reply back for a few days, so she'd leave me uncertain and I would get stressed out. But then she'd reply back positively and reciprocate my feelings a little. It's such an awesome dance, like this whole courtship thing going on. She's not playing easy, she's making me work hard to get her, and it's a challenge, but I am having fun. It's exciting. She's also not playing so hard to get that I just give up, and she reciprocates my words and feelings just enough for me to hint that she likes me a lot too. I feel she's way more valuable in that way.

If it's not clear, I like her a lot, and she likes me a lot back as well, but she doesn't show it too often while we're still in this pre-meeting and pre-relationship phase of our budding romance. It's so much fun. We're probably going to be meeting up for the first time at the end of this month. I can't wait.

My feeling sleepy right now combined with some tiredness and feelings of love and adoration make me feel elated right now. I'm high off of my feelings. Seriously I feel pretty high and so calm and relaxed and so happy and joyful and all I'm doing is just writing my entry.

Today was a pretty normal day, normal compared to the past two weeks. I woke up around 2 or 3 AM and I started doing a bunch of work for Vegpal. I fixed some items and that was awesome. I had a good time doing that. Around 10 AM I met with Lia and we chat for a bit via zoom. Then I met with the Interns and asked them to test out the new build I just put up. Lia asked me to meet with them again at noon, so we met up again at noon.

After that I was pretty sleepy, because I was awake since 2 or 3 AM and have just been working the whole time, so I took a nap until like 4 PM. Then I woke up, got some Acai, and texted Wahl back. I also texted her around 9 AM to reply to messages she sent I think, and around 11 AM to add extra information too. She replied back around 4 PM, a little bit before I woke up. So I was very happy to see her messages after waking up. So I got Acai and took a picture, and then replied back to all her messages and sent her a pic of the Acai too.

Then I chilled at home for a bit, and then I went to the park and I walked around for an hour and 30 minutes. Then I came back home, chilled again for a bit, cleaned up my home a bit, and now I'm writing this entry. That was pretty much my whole day today.

I'm really sleepy now so I think I'll end this here. But yeah some other random details is I'm working on a new song, or at least the people I hired are, and it's my favorite song by Megawattz Music so far. It's so good. It's actually the first I have been able to binge listen to, as in, listen to over and over without any problems.I also uploaded some new pictures to Facebook from 2016.

I am so freaking sleepy. What else? Nah, that's it, I am going to sleep. Oh yeah the acai is the only food I ate today, the whole day. Goes to show again we have no need to murder animals and eat their corpses, kind of ridiculous anyone does. It is so stupid. I think while anyone still does the terrible act of killing animals, the least I can do is will post something about that in each of my entries as a reminder, hopefully it gets the reader to stop such violence if they were conscious and cognizant of their habits and actions. I can only hope.

But yeah I am going to sleep now. I want to wake up at around 4 AM though so I can work on Vegpal stuff early again. Lia has been hounding me on some bugs and stuff today that I need to fix, but as I wrote, I took a nap for like 4 hours. So I didn't get anything done.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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Posted On Jul 27, 2022

Glad you're back! (I actually had a private journal entry about this, I noticed you posted about getting injured on a hike and then didn't post for a week and I was hoping you were ok)

Posted On Jul 27, 2022

@Achaius thank you for your concern! Yeah I recovered just fine and felt nothing the next day. I honestly thought I’d be sore in some places because I kept slipping and falling, but nothing happened, I had no bruises (maybe one but I couldn’t see down there), and I walked a few hours the next day. It was my irresponsibility that I haven’t been writing any new entries, I just got lazy for a bit which happens from time to time.

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