July 27, 2022

Exercised, cleaned home, taxes done, booster, finalized Vegpal build, Wahl can’t come this month

3:41 AM (of Thursday, July 28th 2022)

Today is Wednesday, July 27th 2022. This is typically how I’d title my private entries where I only wrote the title and left the body blank so it gives me a good idea of what happened that day. If I don’t do this and literally just 1 day passes by, even if it was an eventful day like today, then my memories of several days would merge and I’d forget specifically what took place on that specific day. Like I don't even remember what happened yesterday, because I can get events confused that happened yesterday with an event that happened several days ago. I really don't even remember what happened yesterday (Tuesday), since I don't think I wrote an entry that day.

Even though things did happen on Tuesday, I am writing this today on Thursday, and I honesty don't remember anything from Tuesday anymore. I have to take a look at pictures and notes. Oh yeah Tuesday wasn't a great day, I looked at my notes and remember now. I talked to Wahl that day of course, we texted a bit, but other than that in general I hated that day.

So anyway, back to today, Wednesday. I woke up at around 3 AM? I don't even remember. I worked on Vegpal stuff and pushed that build out, and then around 5 AM, I headed out and went to the park. I walked around for only two hours before feeling thirsty and tired and going back home. It's been a while since I walked outside again, like a few days, so I eased into walking for just two hours this morning instead of my "regular" 4 hours of morning walking I did a few times in the past 2 weeks. Then I'd also walk at night time. So I'd walk like 6 hours a day when I did that, but I took a lazy break this weekend and some more days, and so today was the "first time" I walked again in a while.

Before going back home, I went to Wal-Mart and bought some fruits. I bought a bunch of blueberries and blackberries and two mangoes and a bunch of grapes. This is pretty much all I'd eat today, this and some vegan protein bars I ordered from eBay recently, and that's really all I ate today, and I guarantee I felt more alive and felt happier and better, and had more energy than most other people who regularly consume coffee and kill animals. So if you are not vegan yet, I always recommend you to go vegan, you'll realize how stupid it was you ever killed and ate any animals in the first place when being vegan is cheaper, healthier, the best diet for the environment, and obviously the most ethical way of eating.

At home, I exercised some more doing a bunch of push ups, and leg raises, and pull ups and chin ups. I can do 6 chin ups in a row now, and probably 3 pull ups in improper form, only one pull up in proper form. I admit I was pretty freaking tired when I did these exercises. I mean I already walked outside in the morning for a bit over 2 hours, and I did an hour of driving back and forth to do that (it takes 30 minutes to drive to the park for me). So doing these exercises was not fun, but Wahl is really really fit and sexy, she has the most visible abs on any woman I have ever seen, and I am so attracted to her, and her personality and character as well obviously, I honestly think her personality and character are also some of the best I've seen in any woman, so I really like her a lot, and because I wanted to impress her, I had to exercise. So I had to do this.

I also cleaned up a lot. While cleaning, Lia messaged me a bunch and asked if we could meet up for a bit, so we did. And then I had my meeting with the Interns. But after that, I knew I had to get my Covid booster shot for my cruise trip later next week, but I couldn't find my first vaccination card. So I looked around everywhere. I knew Wahl was coming this weekend and we both had planned for it and were both happy and all, so I had to clean up my place. Today I cleaned up my office room, this room entirely dedicated to working but I literally sleep in this room too, on the floor on a yoga mat, and it was a mess. I haven't cleaned it up in a long time and there was just a bunch of unorganized junk everywhere.

Today I cleaned it up, even did some laundry, and I also opened up and cleaned up all my mail. I cut up any credit card offers and stuff like that. I organized a bunch of my files and folders, I put a lot of things away and organized them. I also did some sweeping of the floors, I got a lot of dust and junk and stuff out of the ground and into the trash. My home was a lot cleaner after today. But I still couldn't find my vaccine card. I told my parents I couldn't find it, and my mom said to keep looking. My dad after like an hour, replied and said he found it at home there, so I left it there, oops. My plans to get the Covid booster were shot, wow unintended pun there.

So I gave up on that. I emailed my CPA this morning though, around 6:30 AM while I was walking, and they got back to me today at like 10 AM, and we kept going back and forth, until at around 2 PM, I signed off on the paperwork. Woohoo. I think my personal taxes are finally done this time. Finally. Finally. Finally! This has been stressing me out so much, but it's finally done today. Wow. I love it. I'm gonna use their services again for next year for sure. That just leaves my business taxes and they are still working on that.

So this new Vegpal build, I finished this new "feed" feature which is like the Facebook and Instagram feed pages where people can post text, photos, videos, etc. and like and comment on stuff like that with their matches. This is new in a dating app. I don't think any other dating app has this feature, but I've been working on it the entire past month, and it's basically completed today. So yeah that was tiring, but it's done I guess. Well they're still testing it out, and I got some additional feedback later that night, and I would fix it, but I still think overall it's done. I got the interns testing it like every day for this whole week, so there shouldn't be any bugs or anything left, at least not any serious bugs.

My dad said it was fine for me to get my covid booster shot since they would just give me a new card for it, so I went out to get my booster shot. I drove to the nearby Walgreens earlier today at like 11 AM and there was this stupid long line. I stood there for like 10 minutes and after it hadn't moved that whole time, I left. It was now like 2:30 PM and I went out again. I went out to K-Mart first where I got my first vaccination, yes K-Mart, and yes it was deserted like always, I went here because they had no lines but they still had a pharmacy way out on the back of the second floor. They said they only did vaccinations on Tuesdays and Thursdays though, and today was Wednesday, so I left.

Anyway I got back close to home, and I knew there was also this nearby CVS where I lived, but I accidentally drove passed it since I had never been there before and didn't know where the entrance was. Like the roads here in PR can be very confusing. So I was kinda frustrated for a bit there after driving by it, so I opened up my GPS on my phone to tell me where I can make a U-Turn to go back, since I was on this sort of highway and there was literally not going to be any U-Turns for like 5 miles, but there would be a bunch of exits I could make. Like I said the roads here can be weird. It told me to go to this other highway and there was going to be a Walgreens there, cool.

Anyway I ended up following the GPS directions and it lead me to a place I never even knew existed. I had driven by this exit a bunch of times, never took it once, but apparently it was like this shopping center area. There was this JC Penny or something there, and the parking lots were packed. How had I never been here before or even knew this place existed? I lived so close to it and drove by it so many times. Anyway I parked in front of the Walgreens and went inside.

There was no line! Well there was only one person ahead of me in line. I spoke Spanish this whole time by the way with every person I interacted with. The first person I asked where I could get a covid Vaccine, she said to get in line there, and so I got in line, and there was one person. When it was my turn that came up, the person that helped me was this very fit and attractive young woman. She was hot. Anyway we spoke in Spanish and she asked for a bunch of my details like date of birth, phone number, email, and my driver's license number and other information. To be fair sometimes I had no idea what she was asking for, but after she repeated it enough times I would guess what she meant and somehow got it right.

After that I waited for like 40 minutes in the waiting area. I would post on the Vegpal slack some stuff every now and then. I'd bother Lia with some random messages like "I've been here for 40 minutes. I'm not actually sure if they asked me to sit and wait because it was all in Spanish, but it sounded like it" and I sent her a picture of me sitting there waiting. This is because she wanted me to work on Vegpal stuff but I was occupied, and bored, so I would message her random stuff like that. Gosh it was so boring. Anyway I stood up and asked another person if I was supposed to just wait there, and she was like the other person would be right with me soon.

Anyway the young woman who I found really attractive earlier came out and called me up. She lead me to this room and we chat there for a bit. Well she asked for my information again to fill out this form, but she also asked me some questions like where I was from and stuff like that, and we chat for a little. When she gave me the covid shot she kept asking me to do something in Spanish, but I couldn't understand what she was saying. She blushed and was a little flustered when I raised the sleeve of my arm and she saw my sort of muscular arm, or maybe that was my imagination. But yeah after the booster shot, instinctively I asked for her phone number and she became really flustered and she said she was married but we could be friends, and wrote her name and number down on a band-aid and gave it to me. I am never going to call her by the way, but I think I made her feel amazing by asking for her number, and she made me feel amazing and wanted by giving her name and number to me.

Then I got back home, and I finalized the Vegpal build again. I ate a banana and some blackberries. Then I headed out to walk again. I walked for an hour, and then messaged Wahl, because I would have these thoughts about what to message her as I walked. So I messaged her. Like 30 minutes later she replied saying she wasn't going to be able to make it this month because her mom doesn't want her to fly anywhere since we're both going on a cruise on the same day, different cruises though, just coincidentally the same day. I had to get my booster for this cruise too. Yeah the cruise security can be really strict, she has to show that she got all the latest vaccinations and also tested negatively, and it was a serious family cruise for her, so that's why her parents didn't allow it.

She texted me that and I received it while walking. I replied back saying it was all good, because it was. She still has a bunch of other messages to reply to though, so I told her I'd reply more after she replied to those. But yeah, this was the event I was looking forward to the most all year, but it has to be delayed again. Anyway I hope things still work out for us. We both really want to see each other. We'll have to delay it by a month though. I really like Wahl a lot.

At home I was so tired after walking for another like 2 hours tonight. Today was kinda crazy right? I exhausted myself mentally and physically, I really pushed myself and did a lot in one day. I mean I didn't go into exceptional detail, but you can imagine it's not so easy to program and develop complex stuff. I think the stuff I did was complex, I mean others can have differing opinions, but I am still pretty new to Flutter and I had to do all this on the spot. No one ever appreciates me though for the stuff I do. Wahl does and I like her a lot for that. But yeah I am treated like just another commodity.

I watched some anime while eating some blueberries. I went to sleep afterwards.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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