Aug. 8, 2022

Second Day in Copenhagen, Denmark

1:11 AM (of Tuesday, August 9th 2022)

Today is Monday, August 8th 2022. The days are going by really fast since I haven't written in a while. Again, so much has happened, and yet so little. Recently I flew back to Virginia and I stayed with my parents there for a bit. Then we flew over to Copenhagen, Denmark yesterday (Sunday, August 7th) and that's where I am right now.

Today we didn't do that much. We walked around in the morning. We went to the train station and rode it once, we got on the wrong train, so we got off the next stop and rode it back. We don't have any Internet here, even when we have roaming enabled, so we have to go back to the hotel constantly to update our GPS directions on where to go. After these directions to ride the train to a certain stop so we can go to a certain place didn't work, we went back to the hotel.

It was almost noon at this point so we searched up some vegan places to get food, and there were a lot of options. So many options. This place called Souls was pretty close by though and their menu looked amazing, so we took a bus to go there. We found it in a crowded food court place, and there were a lot of other vegan places in the food court there as well. Souls was a food truck and they only had one thing on their menu though, and the rest were drinks or beers, so that was very disappointing. I wonder what happened to all their options that they have on Google maps? So my parents got the Beyond Burgers there and some fries, I got some vegan sandwich at some other place at the food court, it was great.

After that we walked around for a bit, and then went back home to figure out what to do next. We decided to go to this place called Tivoli next. So we went there, and walked around, took a bunch of pictures, and it was a cool place.

Then we went to the grocery store near the hotel and got a bunch of fruits and drinks and chips, and we ate that for dinner at the hotel. We already have bread and some other foods at the hotel so we didn't need to buy any more. I mainly wanted to buy blueberries at this grocery store, because I bought some yesterday and they were amazing, but they didn't have any today, almost all the fruits were out of stock today for some reason, like the shelves were emptied of them, so we just bought some black currants and I ate a little bit of that and some chips.

Oh yeah a new song of mine came out today. I paid some people to promote it, I hope it does well. It's called You Came (feat. Lexi Johnson) by Megawattz Music and is now available on all music platforms.

Don blocked me today or closed his account or something. He messaged me a bunch yesterday, and then unsent a lot of his messages, so I have no idea what he was saying. His last message was really really long though, like 15 paragraphs long, and I didn't read it all except like a few sentences, he was asking for some advice. I probably should have said things more kindly, but I gave him a really blunt response like one sentence response. And I think that kinda upset him, so he's gone away again. I think he'll be back again, because I did not mean anything mean or cruel or whatever from my message, although I did probably word it like an asshole by mistake. I was just not in the mood to read all that.

Also what's a day without texting Wahl? I am already in love with her at this point btw. It's so plainly obvious. I want to be with her and no one else. But yeah pretty much every day I am texting her a bunch of loving messages. These messages are cheeky and really deeply flirtatious and loving though nothing sexual. Also I'd try to say "I love you" without literally saying that, since we're not dating yet, so I would say things like "I really care for you a lot" or something similar like that and its many variations. I can write a paragraph that basically says "I love you" but it's a paragraph long and talks about other things. I've done that several times, sometimes I do that in several paragraphs. Even though I used it as the example, I don't think I've ever used "I really care for you a lot" once, but I just gave it here as an example, my messages to her are not so trite like this.

Anyway. I also sent her some photos in texting today. That's the first time I think. I mean I've sent her a bunch of photos already through Instagram, like 30+ or more, probably 50+, but this was the first time through texting.

Also I'd be lying if I didn't say that reading her messages and messaging her was not the peak of my days. Even though I am on vacation in Denmark and it's pretty cool here, honestly, texting her at the hotel is so much more fun than any activity here. It's literally the peak of any day lately, the event I look most forward to, the event I cherish the most.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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