Aug. 12, 2022

Cruising at sea

11:04 PM

I am so sleepy again. Today our cruise ship was out at sea the whole time. Wahl and I texted again this morning, this time we replied to each other in real time. We were both sending loving and caring and playful messages to each other.

The rest of the day was whatever. I don’t even remember anything else about today. We ate at the buffet for breakfasts, lunch, and dinner, and ate all vegan only of course.

There was a bingo game which we played too, but we didn’t win anything except for $1. There was an auction we went to, that was fun watching.

We tried to watch a movie at the big screen at the top deck, but it wasn’t easily viewable, and it was also windy outside.

We went to the cologne store and tried out some cologne.

Other than that, that was it.

I bought the full wifi package and now have wifi 24/7.

I am so sleepy. Good night.

Written by JustMegawatt

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