Aug. 14, 2022


This year has been a challenging moment for me. I resign from a job that I thought I could stay for years, but after 6 month I was contemplating on mental health or financial stability. I choose my mental health, which my parents and friends could make fun of me, but I could not stay in such toxic environment knowing that I will only be suffering doing the things I hate for years.

Losing the job that somehow did provide me a sense of security did change my perspective, I was somehow emersed form all of that toxicity and stress. I started to see my surroundings with colors and not shade of grey. I did not realize this as I somehow did not even realize that I was submerged, I was becoming the stress itself, I told myself to be okay with it until I adapted to it, becoming it.

Sometimes realizing does takes more than just people screaming at you, or something just shocked you. It takes failure and realizing that you had make a blunder, plus losing the sense of perfecting your life. It takes a lot, and when you are back at it you will become stronger and better, this shall pass now just rest and look back. You can do better when you realize and understand what to fix.



Written by Harith78

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