Aug. 29, 2022

A Rant a Day Keeps the Doctors Away

Hello journal,

Are you ready for my first rant day?

I am so frustrated with the state of medical care in my area right now. I sent a message to my doctor last week explaining a side effect I'm having with a newer medication we started, my ADHD treatment, which is causing me to be unable to sleep more than 3 hours at a time. At least, it's the only recent change I can attribute to the change in my sleep.

They viewed my message six days ago and never responded, so I had to call them today when I realized that I only have two pills left in this script and they haven't authorized a refill nor given me a new or adjusted prescription. If I don't keep up with this script or correctly lower off of it I'll end up having severe brain zaps and headaches since this is an SNRI and even one missed dose affects me. I do hope that whatever they decide to do, if they change the pill, that the cost doesn't raise. It's already $45 a month.

They say they'll call soon, but who knows if they really will or if I'll be left waiting until the last possible second again. It's so sad that this has become the norm, and it scares me to be so reliant on offices that routinely let me down. So many times over the years I've been forced to stop medication cold turkey because my doctors had failed to authorize a script refill or wouldn't answer the calls from the pharmacy. Considering changing doctors to the nice one my mother has been seeing.

Aside from that, so far so good today. Last night was a good end to the weekend, I cooked a big batch of spaghetti and Dorian got to have my homemade sauce for the first time, he loved it and ate a ton. He also had some garlic bread and loved that too. He is such a good little eater, it's so weird to think that a year ago he was four pounds and in the NICU with a feeding tube because he wouldn't eat.

My main priority goal for the day is to sit down and balance out my bank accounts and get an idea of our estimated goal costs at our next house so I can begin planning our new budget and figure out our exact purchase range. Jimmy also needs to transfer his direct deposits over to the new bank since Friday will be payday.

I'd also like to get started organizing the photo prints for Dorian's baby book by month and/or holiday, and maybe even begin mapping out the pages with pencil to figure out the order. I need to order Jimmy a new lunch box, as well - he wants an insulated black lunch box with interior dividers.

Wish me luck and a response from my doctor,


Written by Sabel

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