May 21, 2020

End of school (Habitica challenge)

I didn’t post an entry yesterday because I just wasn’t feeling up for it that day. The AP English exam went relatively well, and I was pretty confident in my essay. However, after thinking about it and looking back, I realized that I forgot a crucial part in my analysis that could cost me... I didn’t really connect what I said to a rhetorical device, since the example I used wouldn’t really count as one on its own but would rather need to be connected to an appeal of logic. After realizing that, I became really bummed out and couldn’t stop thinking about it. I also encountered a small technical difficulty that cost me a minute or two (I fixed it though), and I wonder if I could have fixed my essay with that time. I ended up being so disappointed that I didn’t do anything else that day. I watched YouTube videos until I fell asleep for several hours, woke up at 11 pm, and joined a discord call with friends at 12. I ended up staying up all night. I didn’t sleep until 3 pm today haha whoops, my sleep schedule has only gotten more messed up. Anyways, there’s nothing I can anymore but just hope my essay is still good enough to receive a 5. A 4 would still be good, but it would be really disappointing. Guess I’ll have to wait until July for results to come out; it’s out of my hands now. I feel a bit better about it today, not as upset.

So today I was up early for the third consecutive day (since I didn’t sleep), and I spent the morning still on the call from last night and just being on my phone and laptop. I exercised for a half an hour and later showered. I did my daily sketches after lunch instead of during the middle of the night how I usually would, but by then I was feeling really tired. My eyes struggled to focus on what I was drawing, but I pushed through and finished the page before resting. After falling asleep at 3, I slept for several hours. I hung out with my sister for bit, and at 10 pm, I decided to finally start working on my AP piece. I hope to get most of that piece done today, and finish up another painting in my portfolio. I’m going to finish all the pieces for my portfolio tomorrow, and after that, all I need to do is upload all the pieces, fill out the written portions, and decide which artworks I want to include in the selected works section.

The AP art portfolio is the last school related thing I need to do. All assignments for my classes have been done, so I am done with this school year now! I either have a 99 or a 100 in all my classes since there weren’t many assignments because of covid 19 and all the assignments were easy, which is really nice.

Something that made me happy today: I decided to make a playlist of some of my favorite songs from artists I listened to back in middle school, and it was nice to listen to them again. The playlist includes a lot of songs from Panic! At the Disco and Twenty One Pilots, and some from fun., Fall Out Boy, Imagine Dragons, Owl City, and The Killers. I put these artists together since they have relatively similar sounds in music; I definitely listened to other things beside them back then XD I don’t keep up with any of those artists’ music anymore, and I would say my music taste has changed a bit since then lol it was nice to reminisce though! :-)

Written by ducknut

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Posted On May 22, 2020

Congrats on getting 99 or 100 on all your classes! Those are perfect grades. Any tips you have for another student getting C+/B- average? Do you do homework ahead of time instead of procrastinating last minute? (I do that, I don't even start on my homework until the same day it's due and it's gotten me bad results!)

Posted On May 22, 2020

Your middle school self had great taste in music, I gotta say XD I listen to a bunch of other stuff these days, but I definitely still have favorites from those bands, even though I don't really know their new stuff either.

Posted On May 23, 2020

@Cayst Haha thanks, the music I listened to back then was heavily influenced by my sister XD I think I will always enjoy those songs from those bands too lol

Posted On May 23, 2020

@JustMegawatt I honestly procrastinate a lot too! I’ve tried to stop procrastinating as much but hasn’t worked out that much. Even though I don’t get my work done right away, I always get started on it with enough time to finish it so it’s never late and at least decent quality. I tend to do just well enough to get me a high grade, but I don’t aim to go above and beyond since it’s too time consuming. If you don’t have the time to do everything with 100% effort, it’s best to know how the system works for your classes and how your teacher grades so you can manipulate/take advantage of that in your favor. Using any kind of online resources to help your understanding will massively help. I’m not someone who always studies for tests, but for units you know you don’t understand well enough to earn an A on the test, studying and doing reviews and finding a tutor will help. The main thing is that even though I procrastinate, I usually know the material well enough to go on fine and I make sure to complete all the assignments on time.

It’s hard for me to find motivation to put in the effort to get things done right away, but I would say that having a friend to help you with class/homework (like to ask questions to, check your work, etc.) and to help keep you accountable definitely helps. Also the fear of failure keeps me going haha. My friend mentioned earlier is the kind of person who gets all her work time first, and she seems to be doing really well, way better than me, so I guess that works too. Having Habitica has also helped me keep track of things and motivates me to get tasks done. Hope this helps in any kind of way!

Posted On May 23, 2020

@ducknut Great advice, I really appreciate it. I procrastinate in a worse way in that I don't know the materials and still procrastinate, so I can't get away with it that much. I'm going to try and do homework earlier like your friend because my method really does not work out that well.

Posted On May 26, 2020

@JustMegawatt You’re welcome! Delayed gratification is helpful in getting homework done earlier by rewarding yourself after you got something done. And working with the pomodoro technique can also help with getting work done without tiring yourself out too fast.

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