Sept. 12, 2022

New week, new begin

I've been in a bit of a hurry, dealing with both college and intership, but now i got a new way of dealing with my routine.

I started today to implement a new abordage to optimize my work and studies.

I've started using the Agile Methodology, more specifically, the Kanbam technique. I've bought post-its and started placing then in my wall, arranging my activities with the traditional Kanbam method, and that is subdivide my tasks into 3 sections: To Do, Doing and Done. And then, I place each of the post-its, that corresponds to a task that I have to do, or am doing or it's already done, in one of this 3 regions on my wall.

I did it at the end of the day, but i could put one post-it in the Done section, and it made me so satisfied, even if it's only one task in a dozen of activities that I've sticked on the wall.

And to enhance even more my productivity, I decided to go back to my old friend Habitica, and plan even more my tasks routine.

I'm really excited, and I hope that I keep doing both of this methodology or rpg kinda-game that is so entertaining and helpful to improve my productivity.

Finally, I got this challenge inside the Habitica platform named "Write a journal entry every day for a week! (September 12th thru September 20th, 2022)", but I don't know if I can engage in this challenge in this moment, because here in my country it is already morning of the 13th day of September...

But I will do it!

Never giving up on the develop of my english and training my resilience and get better in different areas of learning and focus my efforts in daily tasks!

Written by jnecyk97

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