Sept. 14, 2022

The dawning of the uncanny Hero of Words

He doesn't know how he get there.

In front of him, there was a scene which he couldn't recognize anything except the ground. As a matter of fact, that's the only think he's looking at right now. He stares ansious at the floor, while he walks. In his hands he got a stick from the underground plane, this magic item cast a devil, that play with the air that goes inside of peoples lungs. For now, let's call this magic item Hellish Torch, and the casted evil is called Wicked Shades. The devil was punching his lungs from inside. It isn't as painfull as it seems, but it causes death after long-term addiction.

He coughts, and then look up. A astonishing blue eyed woman crosses his sight. Nervously, his brain crashes, and the second devil casts a spell. This devil shall be named Lure Whip. He entagled that poor man's neck and he could not stop staring that girls face. But he isn't only tormented by demons. He has only one saint at his side, he supports that man's choices and prevent him to go the wrong way. But not even a saint is an angel, much even less a god. The saint is called Conscious Whisper. That saint speaks at his ear this exact words "You have a girl, do not fall in temptation", "Oh, you are right, mister Conscious. I haven't forget it." He immediatly look away. The whip slightly loses it's grip, until Lure Whip gave up and desapear in the middle of the air. Something to be noticed, is that, only this guy sees these fantastic creatures, but by all means, their influence affects both physically and mental, him and the material world.

Something stop covering the sight of what he was ansious about. He was in an open hall, he throws away the Hellish Torch, and then arrived at the exam class. It was the class of the Algorithms 101. At the end of major, noble men and women became what is called the Code Caster, and it takes 8 years to be completed. But he is already at the second year of this major. He throws away the Hellish Torch

What will happen with this nervous and ansious little underdog? Will he pass on the exam? Will the devils beat the poor guy, or will the saint protect him from the harm of the temptations?

He doesn't now. Do I know? Me neither! We have to wait to see how the adventure of this fella will turn him into the most brave Code Caster that ever layed mouth at one Hellish Torch.

Written by jnecyk97

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