Sept. 24, 2022

No power again or still

5:56 AM (of Sunday, September 25th 2022)

Today is Saturday, September 24th 2022. My power and water came back temporarily yesterday (Friday) I believe, for a few hours. And then most of the day today (Saturday) the power was out and I also had no water. As I write this on the next day (Sunday) though, both water and electricity came back.

So what happened today (Saturday)? Pretty much nothing. I guess I just browsed the Internet mainly on my phone, using mobile carrier data because electricity was out.

I would have gone outside but it was hot out, as is in the tropics. Well it's always going to be hot out here, so that's not really a great excuse for not going out. I'm not really sure why I didn't go out then, I guess I just didn't feel like it.

At some point I got really bored. Normally I'd wait for Wahl to reply back to me before I'd say anything extra, well, lately I've been "double texting" which is texting the other person again before they reply back, but it's been a week since she replied to me so I just sent her another message today. I asked her if we would still be meeting up next week? She finally replied and basically said maybe.

I took a nap before I responded. When I woke up, the power and water were still out and it was around 7 PM, very dark outside here. I replied to Wahl and sent her several paragraphs of stuff. Should I have done that? I don't know. I already did it though.

Anyway that was probably the most significant event of today. The rest of the day was pretty much just me lying around and reading stuff online. I also went out to get groceries though. I mean I had no power and no water. What else could I have done? I could have probably cleaned up I guess, but I had no water so it would've been harder. Whatever.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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