Sept. 27, 2022

Power and Water Came Back, Got Some Work Done

8:50 AM (of Wednesday, September 28th 2022)

Today is Tuesday, September 27th 2022 and it was a good day today. I felt amazing in the morning. Just great. I haven't written an entry in a few days again, but the days when I didn't have Internet, and no electricity and no water, I basically just laid around at home and cleaned up the place. My home is entirely clean and organized now as I type this. There's no mess or anything anywhere. I didn't have anything else to do so that's what I figured doing. I also went to the library on Monday to work there I guess, because I had no Internet otherwise.

Lots of stuff happened on Monday and Sunday and today (Tuesday). I should've written down an entry on those nights though, and I will try again for the future. There's so many hours in a day and so many things can happen in a day that it's hard to recall them all specially when a few days have gone by and a bunch of things happened in each of those days.

Today I sat around in the morning just browsing the Internet until the electricity came back on at around 10 AM. I was overjoyed and I started charging my things because my phone was about to die, and same with my laptop. I cleaned up some more I think, and then I got into a meeting for Vegpal at 11 AM. I worked a little. My clients at Stealth Launch got back to me and told me that we had work paused for a while and basically we could also skip this Friday's meeting. I told them sure.

I went out to eat at Mama Pacha's which is an awesome vegan restaurant here.

I continued working and got some stuff done. Today was a really good day. I had so much energy and was very productive.

I texted Wahl a bit about Hurricane Ian which was coming to her area and she had to evacuate. I offered her whatever I could do to help. She says we won't be able to meet this week due to the hurricane, but maybe next week. Later that night I told her I was going to be at the Vegpal first anniversary party and that we could meet up there instead.

I also talked to Don a bit. Yesterday he sent me a bunch of messages that I didn't get to read because he unsent them.

At night I just chilled and watched some anime. I think the last episode of Overlord Season 4 subbed came out today or last night, and I watched it today. I also watched that new Rick and Morty episode today. Man these are just the things that I do when I'm bored and alone. I hate it. I hate these boring and senseless activities but I just don't feel like doing anything else sometimes.

Anyway that was my day today I guess.

Written by JustMegawatt

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