Oct. 1, 2022

Reset my MacBook Air and played Beat Saber again

11:18 PM

Last night I put this full glass of water on the table next to one of my laptops. It was dark and I was getting ready to go to sleep on the floor, but I got thirsty and decided to reach up for the cup. Well I wasn’t paying attention and used too much force or something, but my hand basically knocked it down causing it to spill everywhere. It wet my Lenovo laptop and of course broke it. It no longer turns on. Or maybe it’s out of battery? I haven’t really tried charging it, but I left it out to dry in front of a fan overnight.

I also disassembled and cleaned up a fan this morning. It was only like $15 to $20 for this fan, but it took me like 2 hours to disassemble and clean. But whatever, it would’ve cost me time to go to the store and get another one anyway.

I started sleeping on the floor now without any mats or carpet or anything beneath me. It’s literally just the floor at this point. I started doing this because I got very hot and sweaty when there was no electricity here for days, and it got very hot at night. So I started sleeping directly on the floor so I could feel the floor’s coolness on my back.

But yeah I knocked down this glass of water and broke my laptop. Or maybe it’s out of battery. It’s an old Lenovo laptop that I barely used anyway. Either way I decided to reset my MacBook Air. So I did that at night.

In the morning I went to Bori Vegan and in the evening I tried out some Beyond Orange Chicken at Panda Express. That’s all I ate today.

So I posted a comment in a vegan singles group last year about wanting to date a vegan my age and someone’s mom replied to my comment saying her daughter was 22 and was raised vegan since birth. She posted this reply to me last week, so it took a year for her to post that. Anyway I’ve been waiting for Wahl to get back to me for so long. I was like whatever, let me flip a coin if I should even try to talk to this woman’s daughter. It said heads.

So I posted a comment saying I was interested. The mom accepted my friend request and I messaged her this morning with my details, and she also got back to me. I didn’t reply until the evening though, she gave me her daughter’s IG then after like 20 minutes unsent it and said the daughter only wanted friendship. I didn’t get to see her daughter’s IG because she just sent a screenshot, so yeah.

I also messaged Wahl again this morning. Ugh she still hasn’t replied yet.

Anyway that rejection made me feel really low. I played beat saber again today and sung and danced to some music alone. I feel lonely.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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