Oct. 8, 2022

A teen advise (on friends and anger issues)

Hello, this is my first time writing on a public platform, looking at the title don't think I am a therapist I am also a teen wanting to share advice that I wish someone had told me.

1. Fake friends

It's really hard knowing how fake friends are there just to use us, and if I had known this I wouldn't have been dragged into the drama my friend created. TIP - if you don't want to be dragged into the drama then never ask about rumors or even look in the directing who is talking rumors and don't share ANYTHING with them.

2. Not all friendships last

I can't tell how many times I have gone through this, and everything is just as painful as the last or sometimes more. You might think you are in a good relationship with your friends but sometimes(not always) you are wrong. Even if it is a dozen years of friendship. Here are the hints for which to tell it's the time to leave your best friend.

  • you are the only one trying to hold the relationship, but if really like this person you can give them a 2nd chance to mend our friendship, and if they do it again just know there is no 3rd chance.
  • they spread rumors about you, I think this speaks for itself.
  • they tell your secrets out in public(small or big), 2nd but no 3rd chance.

A best friend should be a bestie, not a sister, only 1 relation should be there when you are friends with someone except family.

3. To control Anger

I have broken many relationships because of my anger and regretted it, make sure you don't tell words you can't take back because it makes you stay in guilty. When you feel the anger coming don't was a word, don't give looks, just act as if you are calm. If the person realizes you are giving no reaction they will either keep on going or sot when they are done talking you can start saying your side of the argument and if they try to come in between when you are trying to explain just say " you have done you're talking now it's my turn and let me speak " or if you want to be harsh then " look it's my turn, not yours and can you let me speak for once I always feel its u who does all the talking and I shouldn't".

I hope from this you have understood or learned something and if you want more what topic should I do next? DESCLAIMER: I AM NOT A THERAPIST OF ANY KIND I AM JUST TELLING BECAUSE I HAVE EXPERIENCED IT AND WANT NO TEEN TO.

Hope you have a great day :)

Written by MAYA

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