Oct. 8, 2022

Flew to Boston, MA and met Lia in person, had Vegpal party

3:19 AM (of Sunday, October 9th 2022)

Today is Saturday, October 8th 2022 and it was a long and eventful day today. First of all I fell asleep at around 1 or 2 AM tonight and I woke up at around 4 AM. And yeah I took a shower and got prepared, took an Uber to the airport at around 6:20 AM and yeah. This is like my 2nd or 3rd time going to the airport on my own now and checking in and flying out, so I am used to this.

Anyway skip many hours of just sitting around at the terminal and on the plane, and I got into Boston. I texted Lia that the plane landed and she headed out right away to pick me up. We met up for the first time and she ran out of the car and screamed, running with open arms to hug me excitedly on our first meeting.

I literally just wore shorts and a shirt to here and it was freezing. While driving Lia suggested we buy a jacket, because I did bring pants in my backpack. So we stopped over to Burlington and she helped me pick something out to buy. She said she was fine returning whatever the next day so we just picked out some jackets and then she paid for them, I’d choose one I’d like at her home to wear and remove the tags from.

From there she took us to her home, and it’s this very cool condo in a very nice building. It’s quite big and spacious, she picked out basically amazing furniture for the place. It looks quality.

5:06 AM (of Monday, October 10th 2022)

I also got introduced to her friend Jor. At one point Jor opened up her Vegpal app and she had 99+ people who want to match / connect with her. So she had that many likes since she last opened the app, which was probably months ago, but still. It also only goes up to 99+ just like notifications on FB, it just says that if it ever goes above 100. She is really attractive too. Both Lia and Jor are hot. Wahl is still more attractive than both though. I still haven't met Wahl.

Anyway Jor and I set up these balloons while Lia got prepared and put on make up and all that. I dunno, we blew up these balloons and attached them to this plastic string thing. It was the first time Jor and I have done it and were just winging it, but somehow we had good results.

There’s so much detail to write about. I’ll come back and write more later.

9:26 PM (of Monday, October 10th 2022)

So we did that for a couple of hours. Later this other woman comes in and I don't remember her name, but she lost her phone or something, or left it in the car, and we spent like an hour looking for it. I eventually found it on the roof of her car.

We pack up all the balloons and everything and arrive at the party spot Lia reserved. We set up there, and this other couple arrives, both are vegan. I meet several vegan couple at the party btw. At first they were strangers to me, but we really warmed up together and they're very cool. Everyone I meet there is cool. We spend like the next few hours setting up this thing for the balloons and this Vegpal neon sign and all that. It took us a while to set up all of this, but we set everything up for the photos and party and etc. Omg.

It's kinda cool setting it all up. Usually I just arrive at a party place and things are already set up there. Did you know people had to go through and manually prepare all the props and balloons and lights and whatever else was there? Yeah. We had to do that manually on the spot and set everything up.

Anyway I met with and talked to a lot of people, took pictures with a bunch of people. It was so much fun.

Then Lia and I drove back to her place. I slept in the guest room shortly after.

That was basically my whole day. Quite a fun experience.

Written by JustMegawatt

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