Oct. 12, 2022

Renewed Habitica Challenges, Trimmed, Played Lots of Beat Saber

8:03 AM (of Thursday, October 13th 2022)

Today is Wednesday, October 12th 2022 and I messaged Wahl again this morning about the song about two lovers that want to meet up but things keep happening that prevent them. I am so in love with Wahl. I have to and want to show my affection towards her all the time, so I do that whenever I can. I am extremely flirtatious and romantic towards her.

I worked on a Vegpal feature this morning but I was stuck again. I did a lot of work for a stealth launch client. I’m probably gonna sign off 8 hours today for that.

I probably played hours of Beat Saber today. I was bored and I had a lot of energy.

At night time I shaved or hugely trimmed my beard and it made a huge difference.

Oh yeah I renewed the Habitica challenges this morning.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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