Oct. 13, 2022

the endless void of space

Woke up in utter blackness, surrounded by the endless void of space. My alarm clock said it was 6:45 am. Big BS. It turned out there was a rainstorm outside, which is why it was so dark. By the time I got to the train platform, my socks and lower pant legs were soaked, as was my right coat sleeve (due to holding the umbrella with my other hand). Then the train was late. Great start to the day.

Stayed up until 1 am last night working on my project (still the same one). Might have been a bad idea? I felt things were finally coming together and was reluctant to go to bed when I was in the zone. But I was so sleepy today. I spent most of the time from 3 to 5 staring blankly at various screens and trying not to fall asleep. That’s the inefficiency of office life. (But I was more productive than usual in the morning…)

I left the office at 5 and stepped out into the cool fall air and instantly felt revitalized. There’s just something about walking outside that sharpens the mind. Everything was clearer, better, attainable. I mentally finished up the part I had been stuck on as I walked to the train station.

Written by Achaius

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Posted On Oct 14, 2022


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