Oct. 15, 2022

Finally Friday...well, Saturday now.

I brushed my teeth every day this week AND used mouthwash each time. I don't have any floss or I would have probably tried that too. I know that's normal for a lot of people but it's abnormal for me. I almost lazed out of it, I was laying here and didn't do it in the morning like I have been. Work got hectic (I work from home) so I couldn't find the time to step away and do it. By the end of the day I just wanted to plop on the couch. Then before I knew it, it was 12:52am. I was just laying here thinking.... I'll just do it tomorrow. It's not a big deal. For context, the bathroom is literally outside my bedroom door. The bedroom is tiny. Like, 10 x 8 tiny. I'm horribly lazy, I know. I'm trying to work on it. I did it though, I decided I was going to just get up and do it, and I did. I haven't brushed my teeth this many consecutive days since I was at least in elementary school and I'm in my 30s now. If I had stickers I'd give myself a shiny gold star.

I've also stuck with doing at least 25 squats a day, granted I think I can manage this because I only do them quickly in increments of 5. Each day my legs hurt a little more, not sure if I'm doing them wrong...I'm sure they're not the textbook

squat but, they're definitely better than what I was doing before. Which was absolutely nothing besides eating, sleeping, and working. In addition I have done some random arm workouts with a 10lb weight. It sucked real bad the first day, but I feel like I'm slowly getting stronger. I did some new ones tonight and I'm almost certain I've never used the muscles I hit tonight before tonight lol.

I weighed myself too. 240.4lbs. It's not the heaviest I've been but it's pretty dang close and doesn't sit well with me being 5 foot something. I think I'm considered morbidly obese from a medical aspect. I'm trying though. One thing I've done differently this time is instead of buying into the hype of fitness and making all these plans and goals and talking myself out of them and feeling worthless when I inevitably fail, I'm just doing it. I'm removing my brain from the process because that jerk hasn't helped me the last 6 times I've tried to lose weight. But even now, I feel like I know myself after 30+ years of living. In 6 months I'll have forgotten about this site and my entries, probably be back to lazing around. I don't know though, I guess we'll see.

But for now, I am done with week one of beginner easy exercises, teeth brushing, drinking water, and swishing with Listerine. I hope I can make it to the end of another week because I truly feel the exercise is helping my mood. Even if it's a small change, it's still heading in the right direction. I don't want to overwhelm myself but I also need to work on getting enough sleep too. Signing off for now, my arms hurt from all the different things I tried. I think that means it's working. No pain, no gain...thats what they say anyways.

Written by Dribbs

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