Oct. 21, 2022


I’m cold. I opted to wear my medium coat today, under the logic that it’s only October, and if I upgrade to my heavy winter coat now, there’ll be nothing to upgrade to later. However: I’m now cold.


Customer 1: Rude Dude

I was in line for lunch when a guy cut in front of me while talking on his cell phone. As in, he just completely ignored the line and walked right up to the counter. I also walked up to the counter and tried to project the vibe of someone Properly In Line, Unlike Him.

Since it’s a counter-serve place, we both got served by different employees at about the same time. Rude Dude ordered an entree. “Anything else?” the employee asked him. He answered: “I’m still deciding! Geez!!!” and then went back to his cell phone conversation. Maybe don’t be in such a hurry to butt the line if you don’t even know what you want?


Customer 2: Gramps

I was getting my afternoon coffee and the guy behind me had perfect grandpa vibes. He was wearing a bright yellow sweater, a navy blue zip hoodie, and a baggy brown coat. Expert layering game. I respect it. He also had a blue-and-white wool hat and a lanyard around his neck for his wallet. I ordered a pumpkin chai latte (iced), and he ordered one too (hot, of course).


December 7, 2021 – Dad has questionable fashion sense, but he’s a pro at dressing warmly in winter. Today at dinner he wore a white inner shirt, a navy blue inner shirt, a lavender button-down shirt, and a brown zip hoodie on top.

Written by Achaius

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