Oct. 21, 2022

Worked and did equity negotiations again

2:09 AM (of Sunday, October 23rd 2022)

Today is Friday, October 21st 2022 and I also remember today quite well.

I think I went out to the park again this morning and walked around for a while. Yeah, I'm actually very certain I did. I also did a selfie video story for the first time this morning too, and I messaged Wahl about it. I told her I attributed that style of story to her, because she does do it a lot.

I got two compliments and one question about that story within the first 1-2 hours of me posting it. So I told her that this morning. Still no reply, the whole day.

I worked on Stealth Launch client stuff most of the morning. Then Lia and I talked about my equity at Vegpal again. I just accepted the terms she gave out because I thought it sounded fair.

After that I kept working. I got some things done. Then I had a meeting at 3:30 PM instead of 4 PM, with one of my Stealth Launch clients. We talked about life and getting older and retirement and stuff like that. I am always so bored and want to talk about stuff like that with someone. I'd talk about it with Wahl if she ever replied back. Like it's annoying how long she takes.

At night I was bored. I contemplated going out to the clubs or something and trying to get lucky, but I hate that stuff. I also live 10 minutes to the nearest beach and like I hate going to the beach. Alone anyway. I'm sure if I were with someone else, I'd be fine with doing it. But alone? No. I don't even know what you do at a beach any way. Just sit around, swim for a bit. Yay. Why do people aspire for that in retirement? I can do it right now and it is boring.

So I just did whatever and went to sleep bored and unfulfilled feeling.

Written by JustMegawatt

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