Oct. 22, 2022

Boring Saturday

2:15 AM (of Sunday, October 23rd 2022)

Today is Saturday, October 22nd 2022 and it was boring today. I woke up, went to the park this morning, and walked around for a few hours. Wahl still hasn't replied yet.

I had so much time to myself to think about a lot of things. Oh my gosh. So many things.

Anyway today was a really depressing and boring day. I should have walked for 4 hours today instead of just 2 hours. I finally found some sandals that don't totally destroy my feet as I walk. But yeah for some reason I only went home after 2 hours of walking today.

I made another video selfie story, and this time I talked in it.

I also went to Walmart and got too much food, like chips and cereal and other junk food. I ate too much today.

Ah yeah, last night (Friday night) I got a new record again on the song Juice by Lizzo. I uploaded it on YouTube because I love that song and I happened to be recording it as I set a high score. I'd set a new one tonight though and beat it by like 10,000. But I was not recording it that time, so I can't do anything about that now.

Today was a day of boredom and depression. I really wanted Wahl to reply back today so I could talk to her, but nope. Still no reply.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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