Oct. 30, 2022

Rested, Walked Outside for an Hour

4:07 AM (of Tuesday, November 1st 2022)

Today is Sunday, October 30th 2022 and it was just a rest day today I guess. I basically don't remember doing much today. I did message Wahl again this morning, after not messaging her yesterday, and she replied to me like an hour later. I wouldn't text her for the rest of the day though.

There's also another person I've been messaging on Facebook, an old college friend from my fraternity and she's vegan as well. I messaged her initially like a month ago because I was interested in dating her, but she's already in a relationship so we're just friends now. The conversation got to a point where I brought up this website, although I didn't link it to her of course. It made me think about whether I would be fine sharing these journal entries publicly with other people? I sometimes write about intimate and private topics and I publish them for the world to see. Is that weird?

I'm conflicted because at the same time, I realize my life is very insignificant. If my entries ever became popular, it would be nice for the reader to read about exciting and private events that happened. When I die anyway, none of this will matter. At least I got my thoughts out there and I recorded the events of my life. The conflict comes that because I am living and because I still talk to a lot of these people daily, how would they feel knowing I write about them? Like I write about Wahl. Would she be creeped out that I'm writing about her all the time?

This is sort of anonymous. I am sort of anonymous. And the people I write about have anonymized names. Yeah this is conflicting.

Anyway I don't remember much else I did today. I did go outside to the park to walk for an hour again. Then I remember going to the Wal-Mart nearby it and going home and sleeping.

I guess that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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