Nov. 4, 2022

5 h of sleep and a really long day

First time I went to the Uni after the operation. The doctor said it healed really well.

Was watching some lectures when the internet in the Uni went down for about 30 min. Then met with my advisor, we had some tea and talked about our future paper. If I do the draft, I can be the first author, wohooo! Really excited to have my name on a scientific article.

Went to a seminar afterwards, where I would need to.. write a scientific paper on the same topic 😄 join me to know how to shoot two rabbits with one shot. Getting some Uni credits while doing fun things.

Then I went to IC to work on math problems for the next week, and it actually saved me like 5 h of work, as if when I would be doing it myself. Some great people with great minds helped me a lot, and I actually have it almost completely done already.

Then I had to go to a math Tutorium to understand a bit more of it, and also to be able to give away my previous homework. I was prepared well, so the topic was quite clear to me.

After getting home and having an awesome dinner, cooked by my partner, fell asleep on the couch and woke up in the bed next morning, cuddling and totally happy.

Hello to a new day.

Written by Exinia

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