Nov. 7, 2022

Birthday x3

Ended up celebrating 3 times: with a game Night, than dinner with friends (it was not supposed to be, but at the end was kind of the point of an evening, I even got a present: the game „What do you meme?“) and then one more dinner and cake day after, with S, V and my partner. The first dinner was awesome, was nice to see old friends. Tried to go to a WG-Party after, but didn’t have enough energy to deal with hearting legs 😓. The second dinner was funny and family-like, I got a hand-warmer, hanf white chocolate with caramel, seaweed snack, self-made bottled light. Also flowers and „I know nothing“ Kalima-Dog poster from A the day before. Now it’s hanging there and I just love it.

My partner made a Käsekuchen for me, it turned out super amazingly tasty. Also got a second cake, Napoleon, from V.

The first and the last present was a backpack that I absolutely adore! Don’t think I would forget this one, so no explanation here.

Written by Exinia

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