Nov. 7, 2022

Walked Outside for 4 Hours, Did Some Work, Talked with Wahl on the Phone Again

10:54 AM (of Tuesday, November 8th 2022)

Today is Monday, November 7th 2022 and it was a long day today. I woke up at maybe 4 AM, and I don't remember what I did this early. Yesterday (Sunday), Wahl was supposed to call me. She texted me that afternoon that she was going to call me after 6 PM. Her message was cryptic and worrying sounding though "We need to talk on the phone. I'll call you later today," it was something like that. So the whole day I was basically anxious for it.

She ended up not calling me after 6 PM and was busy with something else. We texted a few times that night though and she said she would call me later that night. I fell asleep though and I woke up to a few text messages saying she was ready to call. She should have just called me. Anyway I explained that she could just call whenever, and I recall texting Wahl about that this morning.

Because she would be arriving in a few days, I wanted to get as fit as possible. I went out to the park and I walked outside for 4 hours. I was planning on fasting that whole day too, but I ended up eating. I got this mango smoothie at this convenience store and took a picture of it. The post went somewhat viral for some reason. It's literally just a photo of a smoothie and it got over 45 likes as I type this. As of right now as I'm typing this, it has 47 likes and 15 comments. And this is just a post on Facebook. Isn't that crazy? I also took a selfie story and put that up on Facebook as well, it also went somewhat viral getting around 40 views.

I started driving home for the Vegpal meeting but I ended up not being at home by the time it started, so I just called in. My voice was really weak from walking outside for 4 hours.

The rest of the day I just worked on Vegpal and other things. Can't really say I did all that much. I chat with some other people too.

Wahl said she would call me in the afternoon, then in the evening, and then we ended up talking at night. Like somewhat late I think. I hope I didn't screw anything up with what I said on the phone call. I really like her and I tried to say some romantic things. Basically in the phone call she just explained she couldn't make it this week because of the conference, so we are moving it to next week. But yeah I hope she felt fine talking to me.

Anyway that was basically my whole day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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