May 27, 2020

Something that made me smile today

I've finally managed to capture my cat in the midst of him doing his business in the toilet. Such a poofy behind!

Ever since he made a complete recovery from severe liver failure (only 10% of cats with his advance condition survive, thank God he made it!) and nasty blood parasites that was making him anemic, he has had a lot more energy than before.

Remember those PlayDoh fun factory advertisements? He does it in that same fashion, except his butt goes up and down like a lever. It also reminds me of the hot fudge sundae machine at McDonald's. I took a video of it him too, just for keepsakes.

This darling cat is going on 12 years of age. I'm not sure how many more years he's got, but every day he brings a smile to everyone at the office.

Written by Seraphim

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Posted On May 27, 2020

Aw so cute!!!! <3 So glad he’s okay now! :-)

Posted On May 28, 2020

What a cute cat! He's pretty old but looks young!

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