Nov. 19, 2022

Finally Went on Dates with Wahl FINALLY

11:17 PM

So I don't even remember pretty much anything prior to this. I sort of do, but they feel so irrelevant compared to what Wahl and I did today. For a quick summary of what we did today, I made sure to make a post of it on facebook:

  • Went caving
  • Visited the beach
  • Watched the waves crashing from a cliff
  • Visited a 500 year old castle
  • Visited a vegan market
  • Had non-alcoholic piña coladas where the piña colada was invented
  • Visited a 500 year old city
  • Visited a cat park
  • Went to a rainforest
  • Exchanged gifts
  • Played VR


It was last night when Wahl flew in to Puerto Rico finally. We were finally going to do the things we've been talking about for a while. The whole day yesterday (Friday), I was probably preparing for her arrival. I cleaned, probably fasted and walked outside as much as I could to try and lose weight. I probably did a lot of last minute things too. I had some meetings for work at Stealth Launch and Vegpal. And I bought her roses and put up some scented candles, a light show, and played romantic music for when she arrived. I also talked to Lia before then, talking about if what I was doing was romantic and etc.

Anyway last night at around 9:45 PM, I started driving to the airport to pick up Wahl. She would arrive at 9:55 PM so I had to be there around then. I had roses and vegan chocolate ready to give her, and I just waited. Wahl and I have been texting the whole day too, pretty much the entirety of the day we've been texting each other. Anyway I see her approaching the car from my sideview mirrors so I got out of the car to give her a hug and also flowers and the vegan chocolate. We finally met for the first time! It was very anticlimactic though to be honest. I forgot to open her car door for her I think.

So the plan after this was to go to my secret spot and we would kiss there for the first time. But this didn't end up happening. It was 10 PM and pretty late, I think it wouldn't have worked out. I also flipped a coin and it said tails which meant not to do this, so we just went home instead. I think this was the far better result.

We went straight to my home instead, and she didn't even react when she heard the romantic song playing, well I guess it wasn't that romantic, and the candles and the light show wasn't working. But yeah she had no reaction to any of this.

I gave her a home tour, and she gave me presents. She got me a bracelet from Peru, a keychain that had a prayer in Hebrew on it, vegan chocolate too, and fancy chopsticks from somewhere. Very awesome. She also baked me banana bread and gave that to me as well. I didn't react too excitedly or anything. I should have.

Anyway in my home gym she does some exercises and stretches. After sitting on a plane for 3-4 hours and working the whole day, she wanted to relax a little bit.

We both go to bed after a while and yeah we slept in the same bed. We shared intimate details and stories before going to sleep, mostly me. Stuff I'm not going to mention here.

I woke up at around 4 AM and I woke her up too. I told her the newly updated plan, that we would go to the petroglyph cave first, and then the 500 year old castle, and then El Yunque. So that's what we did today.

We would only have a few hours together the rest of the day until she would head back home around 5 PM.

So we made the most of it. I drove us close to the petroglyph cave and parked. We got outside and walked on the beach for a while until we reached the cliffs where the petroglyph cave is at. Then we just watched the sunrise for a bit, looking at the waves, taking pictures with each other, having fun.

Then we got to climbing into the cave part. It's a bit hard to climb, it's a bit high, but I was able to go up first. I helped her up. Then we went in the cave, taking more pictures as we went along just had fun the whole time. The cave was dark and there were bats flying around. I was a bit scared the bats would attack us, but I'm glad they didn't and just let us continue walking. Then we got to the petroglyph part and that was so much fun too. We took so many pictures together.

Exiting the cave was far easier. I thought it would be difficult, but it wasn't. It was quite easy. We took more pictures together as we exited. Outside, the sun had risen, and everything was so much brighter and more visible now. The ocean waters were bright blue and beautiful. We took a lot more photos of everything, of the waves, photos together, and so on. We also walked around the cliffs some more too and did more things there. We had so much fun. She is so beautiful.

Then we got into my car and started driving to the 500 year old castle. We listened to some other language songs that I had on my phone, by that I mean I had playlists of songs in Indian, Chinese, Japanese, and Turkish, and we listened to at least one in each language. This was because she asked me what I listened to and this is what I told her I'd been listening to lately. Then she had her turn and put up some songs, she liked the ones by Remi Wolf and in that style a lot. She went to a Remi Wolf concert recently apparently.

Afterwards we arrived at Old San Juan and parked. We went to the vegan market first after taking some photos at places. And then we walked around, got some vegan tamales, drinks, vegan sushi, and we took them to the 500 year old castle to eat. I found a really cool spot at the side of the castle basically and we ate there. That was cool. She said that was a nice spot.

After that I took her to my "secret spot" where we were supposed to kiss and make out. But there was some guy near there on his bike and was playing music loudly. He kind of ruined the mood. I told her I wanted to kiss her there and she said she doesn't think she's ready for that yet. I decided we would kiss next time we met up, not during this trip.

We walked down the side of El Murro and walked on its sidewalk along the beach. We got to the Cat Park shortly after and there were a bunch of cats there. A lot of them were probably hidden because it was hot out.

Then we went to Barrachina and got some non-alcoholic Piña Coladas because neither of us drink, and also a veggie mofongo since we're both vegan. We went around town and took some pictures on the way back to the car.

Then we went to El Yunque, we found out you needed reservation tickets to get in, so we turned around and left, but we still went around and found a small waterfall we could take a picture at, so we took a picture there. We started driving back home once it started raining hard in the rain forest.

We talked the whole time by the way, about a lot of different subjects, sometimes intimate. She started playing love songs on the way back home. I think she was feeling that vibe. I definitely was.

When we got home we rested for a bit. She took a shower and then afterwards played some VR games. She's so cool.

Then I dropped her off at the airport. She called me shortly after and told me that the line was too long and it would take way too long to get through. She was so stressed the whole time.

She was able to cut through a lot of people in line by telling people that her flight was departing soon and she really needed to get through security. She evetnually made it. I'm so proud of her.

After that we texted a bit more, I got permission to upload some of the photos on Facebook. She had to check them off whether she approved of them being uploaded or not though.

Anyway after that I basically just took a nap. We've been texting each other a bit more since. I'm still really in love with her but we won't be seeing each other for months again.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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