Dec. 3, 2022

Walked outside 10 miles

10:30 PM

I walked outside for 10 miles or around 4 hours of walking, maybe a bit more than 4 hours, something like that. I'm still in Virginia. I don't recall much more than that from today. I asked my dad to pick me up and I used the "Send Location" feature for the first time with him and with anyone. I think this was also his first time receiving the send location thing.

I finished the entire Blue Lock manga recently, up to the current chapter which I think is chapter 193. I do this for a lot of manga, now I can wait a few years before reading the rest. Blue Lock is cool, but I think the characters are over exaggerated. These are high school kids and they are like, extremely personalized and unique for some reason, like extremely different and unique looking, different skills, different personalities. The main character is basically the only normal looking character in the show, all the other characters look way different.

Also during the soccer matches in Blue Lock, all the characters are talking the whole time. Like it's interesting, the characters could be running down the field, or facing each other 1 on 1 in dribbling and at the same time they are having a conversation that lasts a long time. Heck the character could be kicking the ball and like a bunch of dialog happens during that time period. It's crazy. There's probably no talking most of the time in soccer, but in this anime and manga there is always talking even for the smallest actions.

Jaxx texted me a bunch today. She was fun and easy to talk to during my walk.

Wahl said she would reply back to my messages over the weekend, and she didn't reply today. So I think she just has until tomorrow to respond to my latest barrage of messages.

I'm really sleepy.

Anyway I guess that's my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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