Dec. 6, 2022

8k Song LIstens, New Calculator Arrived, Published New Version of Vegpal

4:17 AM (of Wednesday, December 7th 2022)

Today is Tuesday, December 6th 2022. It's weird how I feel like every day is the same, when in fact every day is different. Yesterday (Monday), my dad and I drove to a farther part in the W&OD trail and walked for an hour. I was listening to the audiobook Models the whole time, it's quite a good book I think. This place was a brand new place I'd never walked on before, and it was an experience going through it. That was yesterday.

Today I woke up pretty early, and I did work for Vegpal I think. Mainly testing, I think. Or maybe I just browsed the Internet? I don't know. Either way I got a new like on Veggly and I messaged them. I got a new like yesterday or Sunday too and I set up a date for Friday, but she cancelled yesterday I think after already giving me her number because I asked for her last name. Weird.

So I'm still in love with Wahl and I want to be with her, but who knows if I'll end up with her. That's why I'm on Veggly again just because I don't know if we'll see each other again. I messaged her a bunch today because our song We Made A Promise has over 8k total listens now and I told her a bunch of other things.

This new calculator called the Numworks calculator arrived today. It's a calculator that supports python programming. I used to program on calculators a lot back in high school, let me actually copy and paste the long post I made on Facebook about my calculator programming hobby:

"Back in high school I was into calculator programming and used to make games and programs during my classes, especially during math. I even had a custom calculator design. Also I used a different calculator model from everyone else.

This is probably why I did terrible in my senior year. I was too busy calculator programming instead of paying attention in classes.

It was fun asking classmates to play and review my games and programs. My favorite games to program were RPGs, they had inside jokes and inappropriate jokes, lots of immature humor.

There’s only two programs I uploaded under the name “TheCloak” (because it sounded like a cool hacker name) back in 2011, and I’m rank 29 in downloads today apparently.

I was probably within the first 10 people to create and upload any programs for this calculator model (Casio Prizm FX-CG10) since I got it right when it came out."

Actually it's not that long of a post, but whatever. It took a while to type on my phone. I haven't been making any long posts anywhere lately.

So I'm reading this book on Numworks and programming on it, and I'm like, why would I program on this calculator when I can just do it on a computer instead? It's kind of annoying to type on this device.

So I did a lot of work for Vegpal today, mainly testing on iOS and Android, and it was a lot of testing. I also chat a bunch with Lia on there and I pushed a new release out tonight. Two of them actually. Lia found a bug that she panicked over, it was already a bug I found earlier and posted about and thought it was minor, but she thought it was the biggest deal. So I did another new build tonight that Malik, let's call him that, the other develop for Vegpal that we hired recently, already worked on and pushed when I found the bug earlier in the day.

A lot of other stuff probably happened. I messaged Jaxx a bunch. She's really fun to talk to and she responds to me every day, within 12 hours of me sending a message to her usually. I try to have the same amount of interaction with Wahl, but she rarely responds in that time period. She's been mean and distant from me lately.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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