Dec. 10, 2022

Watched Remake Our Life, Played Idle Games at Home

4:48 AM (of Sunday, December 11th 2022)

Today is Saturday, December 10th 2022 and I stayed at home all day again today. I did go outside to walk with my dad at around 8 AM, but it was too cold outside. I decided to go back home after walking less than a block.

At home I ate a bunch, and I didn't know what to do. I messaged Wahl again today in the morning sending her another intimate message, this time a question about our first date together.

I got first place in my Duolingo Bronze League group last night with around 2600 points or something. It's quite a lot. I only reached that amount because the second place person had 1800 points, and I wanted to create a large enough gap between us that would be hard to overcome. Yeah I think I am going to finish in first place this league and get the first place achievement. Someone has to be first place in this group, it might as well be me.

I also woke up to 28 total likes on Veggly today. I signed up again like a week or two ago, and have accumulated 28 likes now. Out of all those, I only have 8 matches, I don't go around liking every person. I chat with all of my 8 matches but pretty much all of them stopped replying after a while, I don't know why. They likely have their own individual reasons that likely has nothing to do with me. One of them is a scammer, and I figured that out after reverse searching her image. She sounded so playful too, and in her case I'm the one that stopped replying to her.

So I watched this one anime called Remake Our Life! on CrunchyRoll and it's quite good. It seems very slow paced in the first episode, but that's what drew me in. It's so real-life like. It's about the struggle of a normal office worker basically who is exceptional at his work due to his experience and work ethic, but can't get a break basically and doesn't do well in his life. He imagines what it would be like if he could get a second chance and remake some decisions about going to the school he wanted to instead of the one society thought was better for him. He gets what he thought of and he's sent back 10 years in time.

This time he becomes roommates with the "Platinum Generation" which is a group of three of the most exceptionally talented individuals in singing, art, and scriptwriting, each individual exceptional in their own field. There three become stars in the future, but in the past, they're nobodies. This story is entirely a work of fiction, but I could totally imagine it happening. It's the most "real" anime I've seen so far in terms of closeness to real life.

The talented characters have their own problems and struggles, and they haven't fully developed their skills while in college so they're pretty much entirely normal individuals that are just a little more adept in their craft than the rest. What is talent after all but just thousands of hours of deliberate practice. In fact the main character does another time skip after being with this Platinum Generation for a while, and in the future he goes back to, these three talented characters are no longer talented nor famous like they were in his original timeline. Him being there altered their fates and so they all had different fates.

I love the story because these characters who became stars in the future are just regular people in college who have their own struggles and challenges and don't know what to do in the future nor will they know if they'll succeed. And they don't in this timeline, because the main character although he did his best to help them, in fact hindered their growth. It's quite a good story and I already spoiled a lot of it. That's like the whole story basically except for the last few episodes which didn't feel that great to me and just felt like fillers.

The major foil in the end was bad but kind of not that bad, well it was a huge deal of course but I didn't feel any repercussions from it as the viewer. The main character basically solves that last foil using his skills and wit, and it's basically him doing all the work there. It's not very believable. So I'd say the story is mostly good, except some parts like the final few episodes were pretty bad and unrealistic. I think it would have been better if some other thing happened like he permanently grouped up with the Platinum Generation and made a company with them.

I also played Idle Games again today. I was just so bored at home and wanted to pass the time. Instead of doing anything productive though, I just played Idle Games. I installed a bunch but ended up uninstalling everything except this Idle Theme Park Tycoon game. It's really good. The best idle game I've played outside of Zen Idle for Android.

I have an idea for an Idle game. It would be Idle Idol.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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