Dec. 11, 2022

Remade Habitica Challenges, Tried To Fast, Released a New AMV

6:12 AM (of Monday, December 12th 2022)

Today is Sunday, December 11th 2022 and this is why it's important to write a journal entry every day, because every day is different. So many things happened today even though I just stayed at home. First thing in the morning after using the bathroom was I renewed the Habitica challenges. Then I installed some necessary software and stuff like that I need to get productive. This took a few hours.

Yeah it took a few hours to install some software because I had to verify PGP keys, hashes, contemplate whether I wanted this much security vulnerability, restart a few times, and stuff like that. I'm very anal about installing software on this Macbook Pro. It's this "virgin" machine that has only like pre-approved and accepted mainstream software installed on it, and I had to install a bunch unknown less popular non-mainstream sort of software. I'm not going into more detail, but yeah usually I have a separate computer for these kinds of things. The problem is that I left my Macbook Air back in PR, so yeah nothing I can do about that.

After that I mainly just played this Idle Roller Coaster Tycoon sort of game. It sucks. The game totally sucks. But it's addicting. I also got first place in Duolingo today in Bronze League. My group was quite a competitive one too, with the second place person getting 1800 points. This is bronze league. Also I got around 2800 points by the end of it. You really need Super Duolingo in order to compete at a competitive enough level to get rankings in these leaderboards.

Jaxx messaged me a bunch today in the morning. She messaged me a bunch throughout the day. I think she's making it clear that she's in love with me even though she's not explicitly saying it. I am in love with Wahl though, and I want to give Wahl the world. But it's so frustrating she's so hard to get in touch with. Why can't love just be more straightforward?

The We Made A Promise AMV was completed today. I uploaded it to YouTube and Akross Con. It got accepted into Akross Con really easily. I thought I was going to have a hard time there and have to ask the person I hired to make the AMV to make some edits, but nope. I did some edits myself too of course, in order to fit the technical requirements that Akross Con asked for. Like it had to have my Akross username Megawatt in the credits as well as all the anime and all of the music used. I just used the song We Made A Promise by Megawattz Music.

Then I hired someone to help spread word about it a little bit, he went and posted it on 20 subreddits and 30 discord groups he said. And yeah he's gonna promote it some more. It has 82 views as of this writing.

I tried to fast today but I failed. It sucks. I made it through until around 1 PM then I ate a bunch. I ate much less today than usual, but I still ate a bunch, and I regret that.

I think in the morning my dad and I tried to go outside and walk, but it was too cold again, so we just went back in.

Why can't I just give my heart and dedication to someone? Why can't it be Wahl? I am so in love with her already. It's so frustrating. I'm just gonna continue focusing on myself and improving myself. That's really the ultimate thing I can do.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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