Dec. 12, 2022

Sent Wahl Ultimatum, Went to Local Bank, Donated Money

5:04 AM (of Tuesday, December 13th 2022)

Today is Monday, December 12th 2022 and quite a bit happened today. It's good that I'm writing these journal entries because so many different things happen per day. Even those entries when I said I did basically the same thing the whole every day for the past week? Sort of true, but false as well, because there's always these teeny tiny things that make each day unique and different.

I sent some more ultimatums to Wahl this morning, basically if we want to continue or not. Pretty easy.

I tried to fast again today, but failed. I also tried to walk outside today, but failed. It was way too cold outside. I could have worn some comforters for my pants, but I didn't.

Around 1:30 PM or so, my dad and I went to the bank to wire transfer some money to donate to an organization in PR. I contacted two organizations I wanted to donate to and both of them got back to me today. One of them I was in constant contact with, the other said they were no longer part of the organization, they were my contact from last year, and redirected me to a new person. This new person emailed me and I got back to them pretty quickly, but they haven't gotten back to me yet even the next day. I hope they get back to me.

Anyway we went to the bank, I talked with an attendant who was very friendly and cool. I had a decent amount in my bank account so she was very curious and asked a bunch of questions that I was embarrassed to answer, like I was also interested in making a savings account and a CD and she would ask me out loud how much I wanted to transfer. With other people in the bank it was for sure embarrassing to talk about large amounts. I also made a credit card account and she asked how much I made in 2021, and it was a large amount so I was also very embarrassed to say it out loud. But it made me feel a bit proud, because she said it's okay don't be shy, and she lit up and she seemed to excited to be talking to me.

They said the credit card was still being verified so they'd call me tomorrow about it. My dad and I left. I wanted to walk outside so we went to a trail but it was so freezing that we just went back home. I just did not eat at home. Me not eating anymore calories is probably the equivalent of walking 10 hours.

At home I was on Twitter a lot. I think it was yesterday (Sunday) that Lia told me I would get a certain % of Vegpal no matter what and basically told me to take a week off to consider if I still wanted to be a part of Vegpal. Did I write about that in yesterday's entry? Anyway that's what happened, so I took off work from Vegpal today and I tried to be productive. Like I said I was on Twitter a lot. One of my tweets got 40 likes today, I tweeted something like, as a reply to someone, "Don't eat in restaurants that serve the flesh of others" meaning don't eat in restaurants that serve animal flesh (meat).

You know what would be cool? If Elon Musk replied to one of my tweets. That would be the highlight of the day. Also my AMV video We Made A Promise reached over 100 views today. Not 1000 views, not 100,000 views, 100 views. It has 153 views as of this writing, which I'm proud of. Megawattz Music also has 6k monthly listeners now and it has 11k song listens on Spotify which is awesome.

I'm kinda stressed out too. There's always things going on and I need to make a list of stuff I need to do. I'm so frustrated. I haven't done that yet.

Anyway. Things are okay I guess. Jaxx messaged me a bunch. I have some online friends I can talk to.

Anyway that's pretty much my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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