Dec. 22, 2022

the great storm of 2022

Rare footage of me leaving the house before noon on a non-office, non-raid day. We’re having a winter storm this afternoon, so I figured I’d better take my daily walk before the rush. Serious business. It’s 30 degrees right now, but it’s supposed to plunge to -8 overnight. The office is officially closing at noon today, and everyone is instructed to work remotely for the rest of the week.

This morning I got an email from the condo management association about preventing pipes from bursting in the cold weather. Among other things, we’re supposed to leave faucets dripping and open cabinets to allow warm air to reach the pipes. This seems a bit weird to me, considering we never had to do this in the old apartment, a certified Very Jank establishment. However, it kinda makes sense due to layout. In the old apartment, our water sources (kitchen/bathroom) were both positioned on an interior wall along the centrally-heated common corridor. Here, our kitchen sink is on an exterior wall. Also the kitchen gets really cold at night because the seal on the windows is blown, which we never got fixed. ooops

Additional thought: Maybe the piping was just set up differently in the old apartment? One of my favorite things about that place was that the water was hot near-instantly, like a hotel. Here, you have to run the water for a while before it gets hot. It’s just a minor inconvenience, but it does indicate there’s cold water sitting in those pipes all day.

Written by Achaius

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