Dec. 29, 2022

Got 500k views and 20k likes on viral tweets

2:58 AM (of Friday, December 30th 2022)

Today is Thursday, December 29th 2022 and wow is the year going by fast. Today is just another day and that nothing happened today, at least that's what it seems like, but a whole lot actually happened today.

Yesterday (Wednesday) Greta Thunberg responded to Andrew Tate's mocking and bragging message about his 33 sports cars. I found someone on Facebook posting a meme about it, so I took their meme and posted it back on the same Twitter thread with Greta responding to Andrew. It became a huge hit and as I type this that tweet has around 300k views and 20k likes and over 600 retweets. Yeah my tweet went viral. Yeah I really took someone else's meme and just reposted it and it became a hit. Amazing.

Last week I did my own original viral tweet though, not copying anyone else. It got over 250k views and over 3k likes I think. That tweet was really dumb because it even had a typo, but it still became viral somehow. I also had this other viral tweet with around 100k views. And then another one that has around 50k views. Yeah this was all in the past week.

And like these viral tweets are a huge dopamine rush. If I had my notifications turned on, I'd have been getting notifications every second almost. I mean 20k likes in 24 hours? 700 retweets? That's a like every few seconds and a retweet every now and then too. Not to mention all the comments, and people in that thread replying to each other and all that. It's a non--stop barrage of notifications if I had notifications turned on.

Everything else I tweet now seems kind of inconsequential and worthless because most won't get 300k views. Some tweets get like 5 views and that's it. I don't know. Well in the real world nothing has really changed. There's nothing at all different about my life situation after getting 300k views on a tweet. Most people still don't know me. No one outside of that tiny 300k Twitter circle even knows that post exists. It really puts a lot of things into perspective. Even someone that can get 1 million views per tweet is still a nobody outside of that circle.

But hey this is another thing I can brag about now at least. Another accomplishment in random things I've done well in. I compared myself to Andrew Tate in the Vegpal slack talking about how I felt like nothing compared to what Andrew Tate has accomplished in his life. I posted the things I accomplished and it does seem like almost nothing to him. Lia said it was fine though. She always has such comforting messages to say.

Zuu says she had a dream about me last night. And that it was an inappropriate dream so she didn't want to describe it.

So I went out to the park this morning to walk and on the drive there, I noticed I had this ant on my arm. They were so cute. As I drove I guess they were initially moving around a lot, but I guess as I moved they just wanted to remain in one spot. I drove to the park and walked for a bit, and the ant was still on my arm the entire time. So I drove back home and they were still there. I ended up blowing a gust of wind at them when I got home near the trash so that they can find their way back to their colony. Sometimes there's ant on the trash and I just let them do whatever. I don't kill animals unless they were harming me in some way (I will kill mosquitoes and cockroaches if they get in my home since they can damage my health).

I went out to Marshall's today too to buy some dates. I love dates.

And I guess that's all I did today. I don't remember much else from the past week, but as always, I always do something different every day. Even if I say all my days are the same and whatever, they're not. They're all slightly different in some way.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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