Dec. 30, 2022

Last Weekday of the Year

10:36 PM

Social media approval. That's the theme for today. I've had some tweets go viral recently, and yesterday (Thursday, December 29th) I got a lot of attention. I don't have my notifications on for Twitter, but if I did, I'd be receiving a notification every like 2-3 seconds, seriously. One of my tweets has around 400k views now and maybe 30k likes or something like that, with like 800 retweets. So it's been going crazy all day.

Why do I seek approval and validation from other people so much? Maybe it's just human to seek validation from others like that. But I do want validation from other people. Well, pretty much mainly and only Wahl actually. Everyone else basically responds quickly and I have fine communication with them. Everyone but Wahl who takes so long. Omg. It makes me feel unimportant.

All day I just did laundry and cleaned up basically. I threw out most of the rice and beans I had in storage, they were supposed to last for eternity, but some insects got into them. I guess the container I bought for them doesn't seal properly enough.

So yeah my home is clean again. Not as clean as when Wahl was here, but good enough for just me. There's no trash anywhere, it's pretty clean. Things are organized. Not much more I could ask for.

What else? I don't know. I did a lot today. I didn't watch any anime basically. Maybe like 30 minutes worth. The rest of the time I guess I was on social media.

I also went out to the park again today in the evening.

At home I didn't do much. I could have gone hiking with Radically Wild today but I didn't. Anyway I'm flying back to the U.S. starting early tomorrow morning, so I should get some sleep now.

Written by JustMegawatt

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