Jan. 27, 2023

Friday 27th January 2023 entry

I won a few 3 minute chess games, nutting much, just 700-ish elo, I've been thinking about starting my very own YouTube channel, but that would take a lot of my time and storage. We had an exam about our book report today, and I think I did better than the others, but just cause I brought the book. I got a 5 (the highest grade in my country) in geography for some reason. I'm happy because of that though! I mostly started journaling publicly due to Habitica, before that I just had a school journal. Anyways, I also finished an artwork today, so that's great (I also began drawing more consistently cause of Habitica). I like The Owl House a lot and this screenshot really caused me to relate to Luz given that I also liked "weird" animals as a kid (mine were bugs). I remember one time when a spider got into our Prolonged Stay (basically a place in our school where kids would go after school until their parents' jobs finished) and everyone freaked out cause it was apparently venomous, but I didn't want it to die, so I carefully scooped it up on a piece of paper and got it outside (probably not the smartest decision now that I look back at it, but I was 7). Luz's hairline in the drawing looks kinda weird, but my irl friend assured me regarding it

Written by Willowdere

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