Jan. 30, 2023

Played King's League II All Day

11:39 PM

I didn't feel like doing anything today so I just played King's League II the whole day. I was trying to get S rank in Classic mode, but it's really really hard. I did my best in the last game I played, and I only got A rank and I completely dominated in basically everything except Dungeons (I didn't complete the last dungeon) and the Armory (I didn't buy every single item).

The game works by having this set time in a game. Basically I think you have like 1000 days total or something like that, and in each day you can perform certain actions. Most actions take more than one day though, like doing a single quest can take 1-5 days, or training a character can take 6-12 days to boost one stat. In my last run, I played it in the hardest difficulty which is Expert mode, and it's really quite hard.

But anyway, I won all my matches, it's a single player game, but really hard, and I won all like 100 or so matches I played in this run. I beat everything, but I wasn't able to buy out all the items in the store, and I wasn't able to complete the last dungeon. The amount of days I had simply ran out before I could. I think I needed at least another 10 days to complete the last dungeon, and maybe 60 days to buy out all the items, and it only gave me an A rating because of that. To get S rank, you have to basically complete everything.

You have to win all your matches, you have to conquer all the "Warden" areas, you have to complete all the quests you encounter, and so on. But because there's a limited time for everything, it's hard to do everything. Also the matches are quite hard, especially in expert mode. I mean I had a flawless run, all 5 of my main characters were level 10 which is the max level, and I couldn't lose against anyone. But I lost in the end because the time ran out.

And speaking of time running out, my entire day went by just like that. I don't even remember anything. I didn't talk to anyone. I just played this game the whole day today. More than 12 hours.

8:09 AM (of Tuesday, January 31st 2023)

A lot can happen in a day but I wasted today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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