Feb. 12, 2023

3rd 9 Weeks Blues/Stresses

So, in my opinion, the 3rd nine weeks is the hardest quarter of the teaching year. Teachers are burned out and yet the end isn't quite in sight as it is during that final quarter. Students are getting on our nerves and we are just praying for patience to get us to Spring Break. That's the truth.

In my classes, I'm pushing along teaching at the same speed I've taught for most of the year. The problem is that I'm running out of things to teach and to do. I've never ever finished my curriculum in a year of teaching math, but this year I somehow will do it. Since I teach Geometry, I'm thinking about going back into some Algebra I review to prep my students for taking Algebra II next year once we finish the Geometry stuff. I've been talking to my Algebra II teachers to see what they think and hopefully one of them will give me some things to teach that will not only pass some time in that last quarter, but will help the students to be better prepared for the next year.

We are approaching the standardized testing fiasco time of year and my quiz bowl team is getting ready for our regional tournament. We are giving a free ACT for all Junior students later this month and while I appreciate and am thankful for this opportunity being offered to our kids, I hate being displaced to another classroom for a day or two and not knowing until that week if I'm going to be displaced with or without my calculators. The ACT Aspire is the test that my state uses for our statewide standardized test for 10th grade and below. My 10th graders are expected to perform at a level of being in Algebra II while Geometry is the standard course for their grade level. The only way they are taking Algebra II as a tenth grader is if they are advanced and started taking high school math classes as 8th graders instead of 9th graders. It's frustrating because of the standards they hold these students to and the standards they then impose on us as teachers. I know that I do the best I can to teach my content to all of my students, but then to ask them to sit and take a test seriously that has content a year ahead of what they have learned seems irresponsible on my part. I do it anyway, but it hurts me to my core every single year.

Now to quiz bowl. This has been my first year as the quiz bowl coach and I'm doing this without being paid for it. (We are working on getting me paid for this job for next year and I've said if that doesn't happen, then I won't be able to do it again.) I love my quiz bowl kids and the hard work they put in to each and every tournament we have been to this year. We have yet to place in any tournament, but we are often placed against schools that are much bigger than us and have students that make me feel really dumb. We have a tournament in two weeks that is only about 20 minutes from our school and that will be the closest tournament we have had all year. I've driven them 2-3 hours each way to most of our tournaments and they all fall on a Saturday. I'm going to see if any schools offer a weekday tournament next year because even if it is a 3 hour drive, I'll push to get us overnight lodging and the day out of school to compete since every other sport misses school way more than my quiz bowl kids and my kids have the GPA and work ethic that they won't get behind if they miss a day. After this upcoming tournament, we have a 3 hour trip to our regionals coming up at the beginning of March. I still have to put in the bus request and travel request for that trip. I need to make myself a note to get that done this upcoming week. If we place at regionals, we go to state. if we don't place at regionals, then we are done for the year. We shall see. I want to also put it to a vote within the team who we want to try to send to camp next year. I want it to be their choice of who gets to go and who wants to go. I think it's fair to open it up to this year's 10th and 11th grade students since they are going to be returning and not to the upcoming 10th graders since they haven't put in the work yet for our team. I might ask Ms. G, since she has been like a secondary sponsor helping me out this year with the team and see what she thinks.

With all of that going on, I've still got to teach, grade, pass out graded work, and still try to spend some time just talking to my students. I've realized that if I take time to get to know them and to just socialize with them every once and a while it builds better relationships and makes them want to try harder in my class. I usually go to ballgames each year to support the kids, but this year I just haven't made it to anything outside of my quiz bowl responsibilities. Maybe I can do better next year.

If you're a praying person, say a prayer for all of the teachers you know that are just trying to make it until Spring Break. If you aren't, at least send warm wishes and virtual hugs out there into the universe for us. We appreciate it all. I'm going to try to write more often. i"m making that a serious goal of mine.

Written by ARTransVet

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