Feb. 18, 2023

Day 1 Fasting Again

7:55 AM (of Sunday, February 19th 2023)

I can’t believe it’s almost the end of the month already. Anyway I’ve practically gained most of my weight back from my fast that I completed a few weeks ago. I could have kept it off for sure, but I just kept eating a lot. Apparently they call this binging in eating disorder circles. Fasting and then binging and repeating that process is apparently common in that circle.

What I mean by gaining most of that weight back too, is that I lost 13 pounds in my 2 week fast. However, I gained 11 pounds of it back basically in just 3 weeks. That’s most of the weight back. Fortunately after fasting today, I lost 4 pounds. So I’m just 7 pounds ahead of when I lost weight. I also gained like 4 pounds the next day after my fast, so my weight went up by 4 pounds just by eating and drinking again. Maybe that’s just the weight of the food in my stomach and water weight.

So I did eat today. I had some almond milk and some cereal left at home, so I ate that. It was not much left, and I ate that in the morning rather than throwing it all away. I’m guessing it was like 300 calories if that, in total. That’s all I ate the whole day basically.

In the afternoon or evening I was really tempted to go out to CVS and buy some snacks there and eat again. So I hate going to the grocery store because it’s so crowded. I don’t know how I discovered this, but there are some snacks (obviously it’s all processed, there are not any whole food fruits and vegetables at CVS) that are basically the same price or cheaper there than even at grocery stores. Clif Bars for example are only $2.09 at CVS (it’s $2.99 at Walgreens) so that’s pretty affordable. They also have chips and stuff that are cheap. Yeah this is why I’m overweight because I eat like this.

Anyway this beats standing in line at the grocery store and how packed it is and all that. For CVS I can just park right up next to the building and then go inside and get whatever I want and there is never any line. So it’s an easier process than going to Wal-Mart. Food here is pretty expensive though.

I would love to just go to the local stores here and buy whatever cheap fruits and vegetables they have, if it wasn’t so inconvenient to drive there through traffic and find a parking space and get in line at the register and all that. But yeah CVS is an okay alternative, I prefer that to Walgreens, but food there can be more expensive at these pharmacies, depending on the item, but it does save a lot of time.

Anyway there was a dramatic moment when I was in my car tempted to go, but I didn’t.

Most of my day I was just on my phone and computer being bored. I did fix a bug today though. That was interesting.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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