Feb. 28, 2023

A Day of Mistakes After A Few Good Days

10:42 PM

So I haven't written an entry publicly in a while. I kinda have been meaning to but just keep forgetting or keep getting distracted or something. Not this time!

My dad arrived a few days ago on Saturday, and we have been exercising daily ever since, walking 4 hours a day sometimes. It's Tuesday so it's not really been that long, but we are going out in the morning at 6 AM and walking for two hours, then coming back again at 6 PM and walking for another two hours again, so like 4 hours a day. This photo is from Sunday when my dad and I walked for 4 hours and arrived at the beach at the end of one of the parks here.

Today was the first bad day where we didn't go to the park in the evening and that's because I made some dumb mistakes that tired me out, I don't want to get too into it. I made a lot of bad decisions today, even though the past few days have been going pretty well. You can ruin your whole good streak with just one day of mistakes I guess, or not even day of mistakes, just one bad decision, just one mistake, can ruin a lifetime's worth of work and effort. It's true.

I messaged Wahl a bunch again today, and sent her this photo too. The messages are kinda too intimate for me to write about, but they were very intimate and romantic as always. I'm still hoping we end up together.

I've been watching Hitman Reborn today. I don't know why I randomly watched it again. It's a decent anime, but I hate that it's only in Japanese and doesn't have any English dubs. Another good anime that doesn't have an English dub is Eyeshield 21. Recently Kaiji has gotten an English dub, so that's great, that's also another good series.

Anyway Hitman Reborn is a good anime, but it is so slow paced. It is much faster to just read the summary description per episode and get the gist of what happens, because that's basically all that happens in that episode anyway. You can probably say that this is true for any episode of any anime, but at least so much happens in those other anime. There's not that much action in Hitman Reborn, or at least, it's really slow paced. It's crazy how a battle can take like 5 episodes to go through and they don't even do much in the battle.

The main part to really watch is when they travel in time 10 years into the future. It's really interesting and the main villain is a person that is connected to all other versions of himself in all parallel universes, so he basically knows everything about anything basically.

Anyway I'm tired and sleepy now. I have a lot of regrets today but at least I wrote a public journal entry. I'm going to sleep soon.

Written by JustMegawatt

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