March 19, 2023

Didn't do anything this weekend

4:26 AM (of Monday, March 20th 2023)

Today is Sunday, March 19th 2023 and I didn't do much today or yesterday (Saturday). I stayed at home the whole day today and watched anime, ate some food.

You know what I find weird? Why did people write game walkthroughs? I remember maybe back in the 2003-2004 range, I was a kid back then, but I still played some video games, like Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past, which is crazy that game came out in 1991 but is still good today. Like the graphics and gameplay are still good by today's standards. I played this game for GBA (Game Boy Advance) and I needed help beating the game because it was kind of confusing to my kid self.

I mean there wasn't really a straight guide on what to do, you basically just walked around and discovered stuff until you finally reach the end and beat the game. That's also how the walkthrough went, but what surprises me is that people spent however long, like days or weeks or whatever, writing game walkthroughs at no profit to them at all. People wrote these guides for free. Why? How?

These days people make walkthrough videos on YouTube, but they do that so they can get views and possibly some profit. The people that wrote these guides for these video games took hours or whatever playing through the game, pausing, then writing down the steps they took to beat it. It's crazy how detailed these guides were too.

I remember as a kid always wanting to play new games we would rent out at Hollywood Video. My parents paid a subscription to Hollywood Video and we could rent a game a week or something like that, and I would rent and play these new games for the Game Cube. We were poor and that was the only game console I had for years. We barely bought any games for it because $50 was expensive. Even a used game for like $10 was kinda pricey. Anyway I remember just playing video games and this one time I played a game in the morning for like 10 minutes and then I had to go to school, throughout the whole school day I was just thinking about going back home and finally playing a game again.

It is strange maybe how I view time nowadays versus back then. I am very carefree with my time now, but when I was a kid, every moment was precious. Everything also seemed to go by much more slowly. Is that even true? The Game Boy Color era only lasted three years, but that seemed an eternity back then. I still remember turning on the Game Boy and hearing the cool start up noise that it makes. I remember playing games on that thing and replacing the batteries. That only lasted three years, unbelievable. Then the Game Boy Advance came out, and then the SP, and then the Nintendo DS.

I didn't get a Nintendo DS until like 2008, and even back then it was still new. I remember the Wii coming out and like even a year or two after its release, it was still sold out everywhere at all stores because everyone kept buying it. I also remember you had to go to the store to actually buy these games and consoles, you couldn't just order games online or whatever.

Anyway, I think the same amount of time still passes by. It certainly felt like 2022 was a super long year to me. 2023 so far has been really short and not as great as 2022 in my opinion of it so far. But who knows, the year is just getting started.

Written by JustMegawatt

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