March 31, 2023

Million dollar idea

It's day 2 of my journaling. I definitely be doing this everyday, however I didn't. Regardless, keeping down a journal on the key aspects of life is crucial towards development of character and serotonin( I need a !@#$ton of that) . The primordial instincts of my brain is currently rejecting the place I consider myself to be in. And rightfully so, what good is a experienced solider without the experienced label. The need to adapt routines and healthy habits to actually be a human that is worthy of success is the track I am currently on. The momentum, is definitely not stopping. I can see the light of the tunnel and am losing the willingness to quit and revert. The number one key towards this succeeding is the conversation of myself deep down under to actually want to change. I believe I've changed deeply down inside for the better. I want to do this now.

Written by eddyeddy123456

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