April 9, 2023

Played World of Warcraft Again

11:57 PM

I played WoW again today. I think I was level 20 this morning, and by tonight I got to level 31 or 32. I didn't play the whole day though, probably just 5 hours or so, maybe more. I need to check my /played time to really make sure. I got to level 20 in about 4 hours of /played time, so I just have to subtract 4 hours from whatever /played I have now to get how many hours I played today.

Well there's actually been a lot since my last entry up to today. Not my last entry, my second to last entry. I was still in the U.S. at that time and I was talking to Sweetie daily. She blocked me out of nowhere, I think she just lost interest after we both became too easy for each other. Like we were exactly what each other was looking for. I guess something straightforward like that doesn't work in dating? I don't know. We messaged each other daily for a couple of weeks, had fun doing that, we had a two hour phone call, set up two dates, and then blocked out of nowhere.

So she ends up blocking me, and then unblocking me, and then blocking me again, and then unblocking me again. Repeat this 3 times because she did that 3 times, maybe 4 times. Basically she'd block me at night, and then unblock me the morning of the next day, and keep me unblock the entire day until night time again. That's what she did because I'd message her and it would say "Delivered" when I was unblocked, but then suddenly not display anything to indicate I was blocked. Ultimately I ended up blocking her. I might unblock her just to see if she sent me any new messages. Let me check.

12:24 AM (of Monday, April 10th 2023)

Dang that distracted me for a while. I was gone. I went to unblock her and got no new messages. The the next thing I knew I was on Twitter, then on Facebook, omg. Also it's Wahl's bday now. I'm gonna message her tomorrow (April 10th).

Sweetie really wasn't bad. I really can't believe she just blocked me out of nowhere though as we were just getting along. I barely had much interest in talking to other women after her.

So anyway I am back in PR now and so much has happened. I don't even know where to begin. I played Warcraft 3 again two days ago, and maybe yesterday too, and I got destroyed. The players in that game are so good now, or maybe it's because I haven't played in years, but I got dominated. My skills back in the day were so advanced compared to your average player, and I had a 70% win rate in one of my accounts. I had a 60%+ win rate in some other accounts. But I lost today against anyone I played against. I just played 4v4 matches and everyone played to a high level.

There are no noobs anymore in Warcraft 3. Anyone who is playing today is good and experienced and dedicated. it's a 22 year old game. There are no kids or newbies buying this very old game to play, everyone playing already has years of experience playing this game. So no wonder I got dominated. Or again, maybe it's because I haven't played in years. Or maybe it's a combination of both. But yeah, back in the day people sucked. There were actual noobs who sucked at the game and you could walk laps around them. Now I'm just dead. People dominated me in 3 out of 4 games I played. I won my last game ,barely, and I uninstalled the game after.

Then today I played WoW and got 11 levels. I played with Thinspo today. That's what I'm gonna call her. She's my best friend on Twitter. She says "I love you" to me a lot. She even said it to me as "I love you" just that, alone. I just liked her tweet and didn't reply back. She has an online bf, but she likes me too I guess.

What else? I guess that's it. There's a lot more but I'm so freaking sleepy. I always write these at night when I'm really sleepy, and I honestly have a hard time keeping myself awake to keep on going. So yeah I'm just gonna go to sleep now.

Written by JustMegawatt

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