April 29, 2023

Quit Heroes of the Storm Again

3:06 PM

I've written some private entries but I still haven't been writing as much as I should have. Ugh. I wonder what changed? At one point a few years ago I was writing every day, and now not so much. I think it was due to really good and private things happening that I didn't want to write about publicly, or I wanted to write about but maybe they were so memorable I felt like I would never forget them (I would forget the exact dates though). Or maybe it was due to procrastinating thinking I would be able to catch up on an entry later, but I never would. Anyway, lessons learned. I need to write daily again.

To give a brief summary, I'm back in Puerto Rico again. I have a full sized fridge now that arrived a few weeks ago. It has a top compartment for the freezer and the normal fridge compartment too. I used to just have a mini fridge for years because a use for the a full sized fridge never really came up. It's really convenient because now I can just buy any kinds of foods I want (all vegan of course) and put them in the fridge or freezer after for storage.

On Twitter I have 586 followers now as of this writing. I don't really know what I did to get followers, it was all organic growth and I didn't follow anyone back or anything. All I did was post random tweets every now and then, and every now and then I would get followers. I want more followers but I really have no idea how to get more followers.

I've been playing this game called Heroes of the Storm for the past two weeks, since around April 14th maybe? Something like that. A few days of playing and I thought man it would be cool to play with another vegan or something, and the same exact day, some twitch streamer posted a bunch in General chat. His username was ttvsexyvegan or something like that, so I messaged him and we grouped up. I didn't tell him I was vegan too until we played a few games, but he was a cool dude with around 5 people watching on average.

Last night I played a few games with him and other people. There was also this Hindu monk playing with us. This guy had a 67% win rate which is way higher than mine, mine is around a 50% win rate, it used to be a lot higher until I kept playing more and more games, and my win rate just kept going down despite trying my best. Anyway he's a good player, and he was talking about how he was quitting things like sex, drugs, alcohol, video games, etc, and he's been on that journey since 2021. We talked about a bunch of other stuff, he went pretty personal, but anyway in our final game together we lost because there were 2 people on our team who were afk, and frankly the enemy team was way better than us. So after that game we both uninstalled and quit.

I also sent SexyVegan another message before quitting forever. I basically told him that he can find me on Twitter and gave him the hint that my name is Megawatt which is already my username in game. All he has to do is search Megawatt on Twitter and there is a tweet by me that says "I am Megawatt :D" that has over 140k views and more than 2k likes and like 50 retweets. That's all he has to do to find me, but I don't know if he will do that. It sounds way too obvious and like you don't expect something like that to work. Maybe he'll think my username is Megawatt on there too? Anyway he is on twitch as XxSsexyVeganxX I watch him sometimes.

Last week a nutritionist friend I matched with on Vegpal wanted to help me get fit and lose weight. So she basically told me to follow some steps which I'm probably not following. Omg. It's so hard. Anyway I've been doing cardio and strength workouts for the past week. It's so hard and annoying. Ugh. Also I've been intermittent fasting and just eating in the right time windows. Also annoying. But I decided I'm going to fast again, because it's so hard to lose weight this way. I mean it's possible and it does work long term, but I want some fast results like losing a pound a day from fasting.

And it's interesting how I was able to fast at all to be honest. I find it incredibly hard because the hunger sets in and I just crave to eat something. But yeah I am going to Germany and a few other countries next month. When I went to Spain last month I was really disappointed and unhappy with my weight and I didn't enjoy my photos being taken too much because of that, so for my next trip I need to fast.

I also told Wahl recently that I love her, because she finally responded to the bunch of questions and other text messages I sent last time. So now I think we're talking again, and I just wanted to let her know that. I wonder how she'll reply?

What else? I completed some work stuff. That wasn't so bad. Oh yeah I started grocery shopping at this new local place. I don't even know what it's called, but the lines there are short, and there is a vegetarian section. So I love just being able to go in there, grab what I need, and then I'm pretty much always next in line, like the line is often empty whenever I go there. It's so convenient. So I go there now instead of Wal-Mart (annoyingly long lines) or CVS/Walgreens (not enough options).

The electricity and water died a few times. There was no electricity for like an hour this morning for example. There was no electricity for a few hours the other day, and l12 hours that one night and morning. Nothing so extreme like a week without electricity, but I have already lived through those kinds of experiences here too and it was just whatever.

I can do 6 pull ups and 6 chin ups in a row now. I can do 30 push ups in a row. While playing Heroes of the Storm sometimes, SexyVegan and I would do 10 burpees every time we lost a game. Sometimes I would do 21 burpees even though we said we were only doing 10.

That's basically it. My whole past 2 weeks or whatever.

1:48 AM (of Sunday, April 30th 2023)

And some more things happened. Just a lot of minor random stuff. Anyway I guess that's it. I'm going to write another entry again tomorrow.

Written by JustMegawatt

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