May 14, 2023

Day 3

Today was not as bad as expected. I had a nice day even though the morning was a little rough. I ate chocolate pie at my parents and barbeque at my in laws and Michael behaved himself at both places.

I didn't really do anything today, I just wanted a day of as much relaxation as I could get. I put off all tasks until tomorrow which means I'm going to be behind but I think it was worth it for a better than average day.

I have noticed I'm very good at holding onto resentment and I will have to work on that, it's not healthy though I'm not sure how to redirect myself when I get to that point but recognizing the problem is half of the solution, so there's that.

I'm going to start including some 1-10 scales to kind of track how it's going, this is an evolving process for me, I'm not sure if this is going to help but I'm hopeful that it will.

I'm going to do anxiety because I am an extremely anxious person. I would say my average day I sit at a 6 on the anxiety. I can't remember a time where I was under a 3 for anxiety even as a child I was anxious.

I'm going to include depression because it has been pretty constant for at least a year. This is the longest I have suffered from depression since I was a teenager. My average level of depression is a 4, it's hard but I can still make myself do things but I have no desire to do the things I know I will enjoy.

I'm going to include a scale for agitation because I have noticed that I can become very agitated very quickly. This is a new thing for me, I normally have very little emotional response to things an am maybe to chill.

I'm going to have a scale for how successful I am at redirecting myself and another for how good I am at doing positive habits that I'm trying to form. If I think of some thing else I can add it later, that's the beauty of chronic journaling I can djust it to better suit my needs.




#ucces at redirecting:5

Success at good habits:3

Written by Ritzukochan

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