June 10, 2023

10/06/2023 - Concert


It seems i haven't written anything the past few days. But nothing really happened, it's repetitive.

I worked on my presentation.

Then i was shopping but mom was angry that i didn't buy ice and went herself. I guess i gotta improve communication, then i'd have known that she was wanting it so badly.

Kitzel was here and they painted the living room.

In the evening there was a concert of Petra Halfmann. None of those big festivals one things of hearing "concert". A small room filled with people and three people playing music and presenting texts. I loved that they even played different languages. I wanted to ask her something so during the break i placed myself next to her (i hope that isn't impolite). After the break, after a song or so, she said that during the break someone asked her [...] and that was me 😱 c:

They had a song with "thank you" in different languages and we were invited to stand up and sing an echo alnong. That was cool. I tried to google one thank you because i didn't understand it but i also didn't know what language it was, it somehow escaped my attention... I couldn't find it in that minute so i gave up, but i think i understood it right as "multo obrigado", obviously a language of probably and indo-european evolution or something.

Also, i bought a cola. I never buy cola. Imagining a happy shark with a cola is kind of cute.

At home i chatted on discord with KoS and FAN.

Then i also found out that it has been 84 here, 29°C and that totally explains why it has been so warm recent days. I didn't think we already were at ~30°C.

In ARK i had stopped mid-taming the night before, so in the morning i finished it and brought my shiny new fluffy direwolf home c: I thought it was lv22, but it was lv 32 which is far beyond most dinos and it was super strong, especially in pack, my Argy had quite trouble with them and needed multiple breaks.

Written by Plesi`

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Posted On Jun 14, 2023

That 'muito obrigado' was in Portuguese :D

Posted On Jun 15, 2023

@Anelim5 thank you! It's weird not knowing it exactly and just hoping to be right 😅 and it shows i sung it wrong o.o i thought it was something like "a lot" or "many" and in many of those similiar languages that's something like "multo", so i didn't expect the L to not be there.

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