June 15, 2023

A few days back in PR again

11:38 PM

Whew. What a long time. So much has happened. Every day is always so different from one day to the next. I'm back in the U.S., back in Puerto Rico, and I am so tired now. I went around Europe for a while with my parents and we went traveling to four different countries. We started off in Germany, went to Switzerland, Austria, then Turkey (and then back to Austria). I think. That's how. I remember it anyway.

I loved it. Every day that we went around, we walked over 12k steps a day for two weeks, with the most being like 22k steps in a single day, and also we barely ate that much while walking around. So we all lost weight, but I noticed it the most with myself. Anyway I gained most of that weight back again already while back in the States. But whatever. It's an every day process.

Umm. I have 873 followers on Twitter now, I think I had maybe 500-700 when I last wrote about it. So I gained a good amount since then. I don't know what I'm doing to gain more followers either by the way. I don't know any magic trick to it. I'm just randomly tweeting stuff every now and then, replying to people, and stuff like that, and people start following me.

Wahl did message me back like a month ago, and I messaged her back like two weeks later. It's almost been two weeks since then. I guess we're back to taking a long time to message each other.

Oh yeah there was this other woman I did set up a date with. We met on Twitter and talked for a bit. She posted a lot of private information publicly, a lot of her insecurities and stuff like that, one of them was she had a habit of ghosting because she would get too scared and nervous. And that's what she did, she disappeared, deleted her entire Twitter account and ghosted me. I texted her some more messages and she hasn't responded since. Idk if she's blocked me since then but I'm afraid to text her again.

I went hiking with my dad a few times while in Virginia. He then came with me to Puerto Rico and helped with the home a bit. We arrived here back on Monday. He cleaned up the backyard with all the plants. They grew so much again, and there's lots of lizards and insects in there now. He says there's this giant lizard living under this one rock. The soil is incredibly fertile and there's always plants that grow there.

Meh there's also other stuff that I probably don't want to write about right now. I don't know. It's a combination of feeling sleepy and at the same time a little stressed or worried. So I don't want to worry about that stuff at the moment. Anyway time to go to sleep.

Written by JustMegawatt

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