June 25, 2023

Waking up on the right side of the dirt

10:24 AM (of Monday, June 26th 2023)

Today is Sunday, June 25th 2023. I recently started this new habit of walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes after waking up. I'd use the bathroom first of course, and then I'd turn on the treadmill and walk on there for half an hour while on my cell phone. The time passes by so quickly and I don't even notice.

The thing is, I've owned this treadmill for more than two years now, since like early 2021. It's one of the first few items I ever bought here in Puerto Rico, yet I've never even used it that much until recently. It started maybe a week ago, but I have kept it up every day since, not skipping a single day. I think this beats or equals walking outside. Sometimes I walk for more than an hour on the treadmill, but most days it's just 30 minutes.

After walking on the treadmill, I'd then wash the dishes. After that I'd brush my teeth if I haven't the night before. I set my own schedule so sometimes I fall asleep without brushing my teeth, not intentionally, but I get so tired that I just pass out.

I've also been working on my homework. I actually fully did my homework that was due on Wednesday and Thursday! One of them involved writing an essay, so I wrote an essay. The prompt said to write it on a word document or PDF and it had to be 3 pages long, but I didn't do that. I just wrote it on the text prompt that appeared and it doesn't have any page numbering on it. Oh well.

Oh yeah the things stressing me out before in my previous entry was a trademark application for my business, and also my personal and business taxes. My taxes were just recently turned in and completed after an extension has been filed. So that's finally done. I didn't know you could file extensions and have several months more to turn them in until 2018/2019. Anyway whew. It was so stressful but it's finally done and submitted. Next year will have similar stress for the same thing and so on until I die.

My trademark applications are going fine I think. I don't want to think about them right now.

My twitter account has been locked because a post of mine was reported. I posted some animal slaughter photos and people got offended and reported it. They are the ones paying for the slaughter and torture of these animals to happen, if they are against it they should stop paying for it to happen. I filed an appeal the first time and it won, but then people kept reporting it again, so I've had to send a second appeal yet again. I have around 920 followers now too.

I haven't done any strength exercises in a few days, like three days. It's so tiring to do. A lot of stuff is so tiring to do, but I guess we have to do them anyway.

Anyway that was my day today and also the past few weeks or so.

Written by JustMegawatt

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