July 11, 2023

No electricity, Internet, or water

7:17 AM (of Wednesday, July 12th 2023)

Today is Tuesday, July 11th 2023 and it was a pretty alright day today. The electricity and therefore the Internet, since the router also wouldn't have power, have been intermittently going off and on, mostly off, the past few days. My entire neighborhood and a few blocks are affected. If you go out onto the road, there's workers doing something with the telephone wires. This happens pretty frequently though, it's very often like once a week where you at least expect either the Internet, electricity, and/or water to go out at least even for a few minutes.

The water constantly goes out in my area. Sometimes you go several days without any water, that might mean no washing dishes or showering or washing clothes or flushing the toilet for days. I always think that they have fixed something with whatever the problem is, the HOA often charges us with something related to the water, like water pipe repair bill or something, but the issue still hasn't been resolved. From what I recall it's always been like this since I moved here in around August 2021.

It gets pretty lonely and hopeless feeling at night, just with everything being dark, and there being absolutely no electricity or water. I can't turn on any lights or charge my phone, or cook, or do much else. It's just a good time to sit in the darkness and reflect.

Yesterday (Monday) I went over to the car dealership to get my car's maintenance done. I dropped off the car there and I walked back home. It was pretty hot outside. At home I did some work for a couple of hours, and then walked back to the dealership around the time they said it would be ready, where I then waited for another couple of hours before my car was ready. I just browsed around on my phone, messaged Wahl once, and waited until they called on me.

I don't recall what I did on Sunday. Since my last entry, a new treadmill I ordered has arrived that allows me to work in front of a standing desk. I just put two desks that I had on top of each other, and then I would walk on the treadmill. I did this for a week maybe, only for like 30 minutes to an hour a day, and I've taken a break for a few days since there's often been no electricity, and I would just walk outside instead.

As of me we writing this now (Wednesday morning), I haven't had water since today (Tuesday) afternoon or so. Yeah it's been a long time, nearly 24 hours, without water. I am feeling quite dehydrated and not so great. I'm currently distilling some water now, I should have water ready to drink in a couple of hours.

I went to Costco yesterday (Monday) after the car appointment and I bought some fruits. That's been my main source of "drinking water' yesterday (Monday) and today (Tuesday) basically. I only had actual water to drink because I bought some in the middle of my park walk today (Tuesday), and I'm pretty sure I sweat all of that water off immediately since it took me another hour to walk back to my car.

Since my last entry, several anime that I've been watching have ended. I haven't made any comments on them, but I really liked The Legendary Hero is Dead, the intro and ending music videos are superb, some of the best I've seen. The intro music is catchy and the singer singing about being dead, which is what the series is about. The ending is emotional and nostalgic in a happy way, although I don't understand the lyrics or what it's about, it's good. The story is unique too, it's about a radish farmer with a thigh fetish who kills this legendary hero who is supposed to save the world, and then gets transferred to his dead body. I love the voice actors, the story, it's all great, the first decent anime to come out recently I think. Pretty much most of the other anime have been uncreative isekai's with overpowered protagonists, with this one, you don't know if the main character will win or not, so it's pretty good.

Another anime I really enjoyed was an isekai called an Aristocrat's Otherworldly Adventure Serving Gods in Another World or something like that. The name of the series already defines what it's all about. It's about a Japanese person being isekai'd into a royal's life in another world and he has to fulfill its gods wishes, while being granted all superworldly overpowered powers. I liked it because of how ridiculous it was. At like five years old he already conquered all the strongest monsters in the world, and he has a harem of a princess and another royal, and also the strongest woman in the land (who happens to also be extremely beautiful), shortly after. It's just a fun series to watch.

Other than that, I've messaged Wahl another good and long message today (Tuesday). It's been like over a month since she's last messaged me where she says we won't likely see each other again (meaning she won't visit) except as friends (not for romantic reasons). I've been trying to get her to give me a second chance with a second date since I'm so very into her. I've reflected a lot on our first date and know how improve everything since then, so I want a second chance, I hope she gives it to me.

Oh yeah I've also been playing this game called My Time at Portia for mobile. It's a pretty good game. I recently ordered this game controller called the Razer Kishi and it turns your phone into a gaming console like a PSP but better. This is like the coolest thing I've bought recently. It really feels like holding a PSP, I've never owned one but I've played with a friend's, except it's far heavier and with a bigger screen and more features. The controller feels like such good quality too, much better quality than a PSP. Holding this controller just feels so amazing, seriously. I think it retails for like $100, but I bought it for like $40 on eBay new, because it's a few years old and I guess the seller wanted to clear their inventory.

It's a good game. It's basically a gathering simulator with some combat and dating aspects involved, with optional farming as well. It has many parallels to real life. You get this stamina meter at the start of each day and for any resource gathering or combat you do, your stamina goes down. When it's 0 you can't do any more resource gathering until the next day. Every second in real life, a minute passes in the game time. You wake up at 7 AM and then are forced to go to sleep at 3 AM, so you have basically 18 minutes for each day (18 hours in game) to do as many productive activities as possible, because the day and your stamina can run out.

It's so similar to real life because of the social aspects of the game, and also that you have to do work, and how the time passes by. It's all programmed so that you basically can't lose if you know what you're doing. There's almost no penalties for doing anything negative. Like if you die in combat, you just come back to life with full health and can fight the same enemy who keeps their low health. I finished the first year of the game with over 14,000 points, and nearly 3000 points ahead of the second place person, your supposed rival in the game. You can steal from your rival and he can't do anything about it, since the game gives you the advantage over everything and everyone.

The farming part in the game is completely optional, so it's possible to beat it without doing any farming, or to have a vegan character that only does plant farming and nothing with livestock.

Anyway it's just a fun game to waste some time on, I think. Although wasting time is not a good thing at all. I pretty much can't do much else if my electricity is down, no water, no Internet, when it's very hot outside and I just came back from walking.

Oh yeah I went out to Mama Pacha's again today. It's been a few months since I last went. I got a chili bowl and their Boricua burger, and both were amazing. I really like and enjoy vegan foods. Even without electricity, water, living on an island, it's still so easy to be vegan. There's really no excuses not to be.

Anyway that's been my past few days. I will try and write here daily again.

Written by JustMegawatt

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