July 16, 2023

Losing Ability

1:40 PM

The game My Time at Portia, which I'll just now shorten to MTAP, takes place in a world after our modern technology. It is a bit inconsistent in some areas, but basically you play as a "builder" who is basically a mix of an engineer, architect, woodworking craftsman, blacksmith, tailor, like anything related to creation. Your character can make basically anything as long as he has the resources and the schematics for it. In the game you get missions to build different things for the town, it can be something as small as like.a necklace to something like a sword to something gigantic like a windmill or entire aqueduct system. It's crazy the kind of things this character can build.

Since the story takes place in a post-apocalyptic future, although everything is basically sunshiney and normal, there are a lot of ruins in the game. Like actual abandoned buildings and abandoned factories and such where your character has to enter and discover "data disks" basically CDs, which have schematics for old technologies. That's how you make whatever, you have to get the schematic, and then you have to gather the resources needed for it, and then your character makes it. Repeat that process over and over as the story progresses and you have to build thigns to help out the locals.

I want to just highlight the "lost technology" aspect of it. So things like engines and silicon chips and stuff like that, are lost technologies your character actually can't make. They have to find these items somewhere in one of these abandoned ruins. Even though I live in modern times, these things are still so hard to make. I have basic concepts of how both engines and silicon chips like processors work, but I don't know where to get the materials to make them or how to make them at all. It's all basically like magic to me.

I've seen a "How it's made" video on how processors are made, and it's insanely complicated. I am genuinely surprised something like a phone only costs $500 or $1000 or whatever it costs. My phone cost me $1600 by the way, because electronics are just more expensive here I guess. I think it was supposed to be like $1000 or $1200 but some import taxes and other fees, and it cost me $1600. Whatever. Some online are selling for like $600 used, so that's pretty crazy how the value of this monumental technology dropped by so much just because it's a few years older.

Anyway, yeah, I honestly think computers should be like $5000 for what they are capable of doing, and how difficult it is to make them. The fact that you can buy a computer for like $500 is pretty crazy, because there is so much engineering work to get everything to work. There is so much crazy technology and stuff for every tiny component. Even something as simple as pressing a letter on a keyboard and having it show a letter on the screen, that is so complex and advanced, in my opinion. Like, just having it show characters on a screen at all, is pretty crazy to me. All this technology we have right now is pretty magical, and it's all so cheap.

Even though we do have access to all this marvelous technology now, all the basics of life still remain the same. By that I mean, we still have to eat, sleep, poop, pee, and we still have to study and practice our skills or else we lose our abilities to do them. It can often be hard to do whatever too. Like walking, I have been walking on this treadmill on my standing desk for the past 20 or so minutes that I've been typing all this up now, and it's not easy. I've been sweating and it takes some effort to do this. I've done this so many times already, probably like 20-30+ times in the past monthg it,, and it seems so easy and automatic in hindsight, but before I start and as I'm doing it, it often feels difficult, mainly because I want to be lazy and not do anything, but that's not an option.

I think I have to make sure to walk at least 30 minutes a day just for myself. It's not quite an hour a day, but it's more than zero. I should also make sure to do at least 5 pull ups a day and 10 push ups a day. I mean it's still not much, but it's more than zero. I can do way more than 10 push ups too, I can probably do 40 push ups in a row. But it's tiring. Like doing 10 is tiring, doing 20 is also tiring, doing 30 is tiring. Let me just do 40 push ups now though just to see if I can....

Yeah I just did 41 pushups in a row. I really started feeling resistance around 38 push ups, and barely pushed through to doing the last 3. I did 1 more because I just wanted to do one more extra, and then my arms couldn't do another more after that. It's tiring and it hurts :( Not really hurting that much, but it does take effort and resistance to do them. I tried doing pull ups afterwards, but maybe I felt too lazy or tired, but I couldn't do one. I didn't really force myself to though, I grabbed the bar and then attempted to do a pull up, which is sort of easy enough to do just one, but I felt a strong resistance, so I didn't push myself any further.

Anyway I'm tired now. To post about losing ability, it's so possible and easy to lose ability. I have a trademark application example due, so I have to make a type of website / app and I have to submit that by July 24th or something. If it was the me from 3 years ago, or 4 years ago, I would have that done in a day. Now I'm still the same person, I still have that same level of confidence to be able to do that, but I'm so out of practice. I do know where to get started, but I have to look up a lot of things to do that. Ugh. It's just going to get tiring a bit. Omg. But I have to do this.

So tiring. Just lots of things we have to do every day. It's a necessity. It has to continue for a lifetime. I'm so tired after walking for 30+ minutes and doing 41 push ups while writing in this journal, so I think I'm gonna end it here.

Written by JustMegawatt

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Posted On Jul 18, 2023

So much of me wants to rapid fire all the ways each paragraph you wrote jumped out at me. All the AH-HA’s that filled my brain! I may came back her and do just that! But alas, I’m tired too. So so tired. I’ll just say two more things
1) you are quite a good writer. You take what’s inside, and bring it out in a brilliant and relatable way. For real, if this was the beginning of a book, I’d keep reading.
2) and the second thing… this game you speak of. This game would be amazing in VR. At least I imagine it, and think “thank would be amazing”.

Anyways, good entry, and thank you for making it public!

Posted On Jul 18, 2023

@AvenegSllim Thank you so much :) I've been writing entries for years so I'm used to it! I'll write more too since it's fun and it's good to record your days, every day is different and we forget what happens in them after some time passes by.

Posted On Jul 18, 2023

@JustMegawatt isn’t that the truth!! I’ve journaled for years myself but it’s always been in a random way and on bits of paper, napkins, notebooks, or within the backgrounds of my drawings and paintings.

Once I started journaling here and seeing what others were documenting, my overwhelming thought was “what an amazing way to track a life well lived!!” And then thought “how wonderful to leave this for family to be able to go back through and get to know their person” after they’ve passed on to the next realm🤷‍♀️ I recently lost my soul mate (like a year ago) I’ve had nothing to read or to follow. He never took many photos either. I, on the other hand, photograph everything so Of course I’ve got my pictures but that’s not really the same thing. It’s just so cool to combine the two, photography and writing!! it’s just such a neat way to document EVERYTHING: from the important moments to the Mundane ones and all the transformations in between!

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