July 17, 2023

Organized digital files and renewed my car's "marbete"

5:22 AM (of Tuesday, July 18th 2023)

Today is Monday, July 17th 2023 and it was a somewhat productive day today. I did somewhat more than usual even though I didn't do all that much more. In the morning I walked on my treadmill desk again. I basically bought this flat treadmill a few weeks ago, maybe a month ago, and use it in front of these two tables stacked on top of each other. My idea was to just use the treadmill desk while on the computer or on my phone, instead of sitting down or lying down and using these devices all day. The problem is that it effort and energy to use it. It's easy for the first few minutes but after a while my feet start to hurt and my thighs after rubbing together for a while, start feeling burnt.

Anyway I was on the treadmill desk for over an hour this morning. While on the treadmill desk all I did was clean up my Downloads folder. There's so many files on my computer, and. I just organized them into different folders elsewhere. Yeah it took me over an hour to do that. I just have so many disorganized files from over the past year. As I write this, it turns out there's still so many files on my desktop that are disorganized, so I need to organize that too at some point. Maybe now?

5:50 AM (of Tuesday, July 18th 2023)

Done. It wasn't that hard. Honestly there can still be a lot more organizing done, as I basically just put all my photos into a folder in the Pictures directory called "photos" and there can be different categories of photos. Same with all my other kinds of files, they can all be further categorized and organized. I have a Videos directory now with just a bunch of videos. Some of them are music videos, some of them are video game videos, just all sorts of videos. They can be organized into their own category like Video Game Videos and from there they can be further categorized into what kind of game and then the game itself. I still haven't done that yet.

Anyway so I organized all my files in the downloads folder this morning (Monday) and then I did my 5 pull ups and I did around 15 push ups. These were really easy to do. I can really do a lot more, but I just don't feel like it? Like the 15 push ups were almost effortless, since I can do 40+ push ups in a row, doing something like 15 is a cinch. But it's also tiring and takes effort and energy. My body and mind are just so against doing more, even though it would probably be beneficial for me. I don't know how to describe it, it just mentally hurts and I would have to force myself to do more.

Let me try to do some right now and describe how it feels. I will try to do more than 5 pull ups and more than 15 push ups.

Oh no, it's actually physically painful. I did 8 pull ups, 5 pull ups initially, and then another 3. It was physically tiring to do more. Ii did 20 knuckle push ups, and then another 10. I could have done more, but it was physically tiring to do more.

Anyway, what else. Today (Monday) morning I went out to this gas station to get my car inspection, registration, and insurance renewed. There are some certified garages here in Puerto Rico where you have to drive to in order to get these things renewed. It took like two hours total to get it done since there were other cars in the queue. It felt pretty quick and easy, I just browsed my phone sitting on a curb in the parking let while I waited. Some people waited in their cars, but I didn't want to keep the car running and wasting energy.

After that I removed the old sticker on my windshield and replaced it with the new one. I didn't even know mine had expired, but I talked with a friend at this vegan sushi restaurant on Sunday, and he pointed it out to me that it was expired. It's possible to get a fine and get your car towed when yours is expired, so I had to renew mine. It also provides some minimum insurance which is awesome. Instead of having to sign up for something like Geico, you just have to get your marbete renewed and it comes with some insurance, maybe funded by the government? I don't even know.

After that I bought some groceries at Wal-Mart and then went home. At home I felt kinda tired. I got 3-4 things done that day which was to organize my digital files, do some cardio and strength workouts, do the marbete, and buy groceries. In my mind I felt done for the day, so I basically just lazed around the entire rest of the day, sometimes watching anime or reading manga, browsing the Internet, social media, etc. I could have worked but I didn't feel like it anymore.

Anyway that was my day today.

Written by JustMegawatt

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